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Health & Fitness

Top Ways To Look After Your Elderly Parent To Ensure They Stay Healthy!

As we celebrate another year older, it also means that our parents are unfortunately getting older. The roles start to reverse as we begin to worry about them, and try and help them stay in good health. Here are the top ways to look after your elderly parent to ensure they remain healthy.


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 Watch out for signs that something is wrong 

One top way to look after your elderly parent to ensure they stay healthy is to make sure you watch out for signs that something is wrong. When you go to see them, you need to talk to them and look out for anything that is changing with your parents. If you find they are struggling to hear, you need to consider getting them a hearing aid. You should also keep an eye on them when it comes to their memory. If you notice they are becoming very forgetful, it might be time to talk to the doctor. The most common concern as our loved one’s age is dementia. Early signs of dementia are easy to look out for, and while some symptoms are normal parts of ageing, some are also indicators that it’s time to speak to a specialist. The sooner any issues are spotted, the more the doctor can do to help your elderly parent. Therefore, keep a note of any changes which are happening with your parent.

Look into home care to help them

Another top way to look after your elderly parent to ensure they stay healthy is to look into getting them some home care. They may need someone to pop in for an hour in the morning to help them with getting ready for the day ahead. You may need to hire someone to help them clean their home or cook them food if they are struggling. There are some home care services such as senior companion care, where it will be other seniors coming out to look after your elderly parent. It can make them feel more comfortable if it’s someone their own age caring for them.

Visit them regularly

An additional top way to look after your elderly parent to ensure they stay healthy is to make sure you visit them regularly. A lot of seniors health can deteriorate if they are not seeing anybody. Therefore, make sure you go over and see them as much as you can, and bring them over to yours to spend time with the whole family. You may want to look at installing some personal alarms in their home. That way, if there is an issue, they can use it and will be able to get in touch with you ASAP, so you can help your parent.

Ask them what they require

Another top way to look after your elderly parent to ensure they stay healthy is to ask them what they require. They are the best to know their own health requirements so speak with them about any additional help they may need. Remember to take their opinions into account when you are deciding on your parents future.

Sometimes, your parents may not know what to ask for, which is why you should inquire about their health issues. Many older adults suffer from chronic pain, especially in their legs. If your parents have this condition, take the initiative to give them items that will help alleviate their pain. Compression socks are widely used to reduce leg pain, swelling, and fatigue.

Get your parent’s high-quality compression socks with zippers for convenience if they have varicose veins or leg or knee issues. Make sure to ask their health-care provider first to ensure that compression socks are safe for them. On that note, you should proactively ask your parents’ doctor about other things your parents need to live healthier lives and help manage their health conditions.

Make sure you liaise with your siblings about your elderly parent. They can inform you if they think anything is wrong, and you can do the same. Make decisions together so that it doesn’t cause any issues in the long run.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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