Beauty & Fashion

Top Styles in Leggings for Men in 2020

Meggings or men’s leggings have become an essential part of a man’s workout wardrobe. Ranging from the everyday athlete-style look to fashion-forward combinations, leggings for men have evolved greatly. From basic functional ones to purpose-driven styles, here are some popular styles to look out for in men’s leggings. Check them out to put your fashionable foot forward every day. 

Spandex Leggings

Made with the specific purpose of being worn during physical activity, these are sporty leggings ideal for running, squatting, jumping, or cycling. They come in different varieties like padded undercarriages or rear areas, double paneled inner thighs to prevent chafing, and flat-stitched seams for comfort. These are a must-have for men who are into sports, workouts, etc.

Seamless Leggings

Seamless clothing essentially means clothing that is made from a single piece of material without stitching. These reduce the possibility of chafing and itching and offer improved freedom of movement. Again a sporty variety, these types of leggings for men are quickly gaining popularity because they are form-flattering and comfortable. Wear them under shorts during running or outdoor training to keep you warm as a subtle base layer.

Loose Leggings

Are you looking for something to wear at home for comfort? We’ve got you covered! There are loose leggings perfect as loungers for one of those lazy days. Wear them during the day for moving freely or at night if you’re looking for something cozy to sleep in. You could also choose the thermal variety to keep yourself warm and comfortable for those extra cold nights.

Dressy Leggings 

If you want to go a bit bold with your outfits and push the limits, the dressy leggings are perfect. These are skinny trouser-like pants that give a legging effect. Pair them with loose baggy sweaters and manly boots to make a style statement. They are available in bold colors, both solids and prints, and even metallic shades. If you’re one of those who want to stand out and not just fit in, these are for you.

Unisex Leggings

These can double as sleep, exercise, or workout clothes and be paired with padded underlayers if your sport requires. Since they are unisex, you can pick whatever design, pattern, or colors you want. 

Compression Leggings

Made with unique compression technology to aid circulation, these are the perfect pair for men who are full-on into sports or athletes. They are much tighter than regular leggings to provide support to the muscles. They can even aid recovery from injuries, but the proof is inconclusive. 

Leggings for men or Meggings, as they’re popularly called, are the latest craze in men’s fitness apparel. From a novice athlete, a professional, and bodybuilder to fitness freaks who love sweating it out, people worldwide prefer men’s leggings to sweatpants

And why not, they not only look stylish and sexy but help improve performances too. That’s not all though, even if you’re not a sports person, you could choose from a range of street-styled colorful and printed leggings to make a bold statement.




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