
Top 3 ways employment law firms can improve SEO

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is basically the strategies you can use on how to market your employment law firm on search engines like Google. Not long ago, when you used certain keywords in website content, your website would rank top in search engines. But today, the search algorithms are constantly being changed. Search algorithms not only search for the right keywords but now also look in a website for relevant content and quality content.

SEO is one of the best ways to be utilized in your employment law firm to help attract traffic. The majority of people who seek legal advice will begin their search using a search engine. Therefore, before you create website content, it is vital you understand the dynamic environment of what makes up internet marketing.

There are various search engines available to search over the internet. However, Google commands the largest share of users on the internet. Because of this, the majority of your SEO tactics should be geared towards how to increase your law firm rank on Google.

Effective search engine optimization is critical to the success of your employment law firm. More and more clients go to the internet to look for employment attorneys to hire their services. Therefore, an effective employment law firm website optimized with SEO isn’t optional anymore — it’s a necessity.

SEO Is the Foundation of your Online Presence

For your employment law firm, SEO will be the foundation of your online presence. Without it, searches for attorneys in your firm will be directed to other clients’ sites, instead of your own site. As a result, you will lose in the competition.

The fact is if potential clients are not able to easily find your firm online, they won’t — and will instead be directed to a competitor because of improved SEO.

Use the following top 3 ways to improve your employment law firm’s rank in search engines.

  1. Relevant Backlinks

Backlinks play a very crucial role when it comes to Google ranking. Backlinks are links to your site from other high ranking relevant sites. You should get links from sites with authority, not sites that don’t command quality or relevant content. You will improve your employment law firm SEO if you get quality backlinks through guest posting and writing for other websites. You can have writing on other authority websites and have a link from the writing back to your website.

You can also utilize social media platforms — share your relevant content with other users, with hopes that they will link back to your website in their posts.

Backlinks are very valuable for SEO because they represent a “vote of confidence” from one site to another. In other words, backlinks to your website are a signal to search engines that others give an undertaking for your content.

If many websites link to the same website, search engines will conclude that content is worth linking to, and thus also worth to appear on a search engine results page.

  1. Keywords or Phrases

A keyword or a phrase is the word or several words a person types into a search engine, and then results show websites with matching keywords or phrases. If you focus on a specific keyword or phrase — your content is SEO optimized, focused, and relevant to the reader who searched for that keyword or phrase.

Your law firm website will rank higher if you focus on less competitive phrases. For example, if you write an article about mental illness and divorce, instead of using a general keyword like “divorce”, you should use phrases like “divorce mental illness”.

Since those phrases are searched less often, it will be easier to get a higher search ranking —you will attain a smaller, but more targeted and qualified audience.

  1. Mobile Friendly

If you have a mobile-friendly site, your website will rank even higher. Most people today search on a mobile device more than on a desktop. So, it is crucial that your employment law firm is mobile friendly.

Furthermore, recent Google algorithm updates give rank precedence to mobile-friendly sites and reprimand sites that are not optimized for mobile.

When you invest in your website to be mobile-friendly, ensure it is fast enough and displays well on mobile devices.

SEO is an ongoing process; it is not a one-time thing. Continually update your website and make changes that will improve SEO as you learn more about it. Google algorithms are always changing, so keep an eye for new trends as they unfold.






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