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Health & Fitness

Tips for Balancing a Healthcare Career and a Masters Degree

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Working in healthcare can be stressful enough without the addition of higher education. If you find yourself in the position where you are working full time while pursuing a degree, you are probably wondering how to balance both responsibilities. Do not worry – you do not have to give up every second of your free time to succeed; here is how to balance a healthcare career and a master’s degree.

Study Online

Traveling back and forth from your job to a university can eat up a lot of your time, especially if they are a large distance apart. To increase your free time, choose an online course instead. You might think you will miss out on some of the learning experiences, but online courses have developed rapidly over the years, and you can still enjoy great communication, study groups, and course content from the comfort of your home.

If you are planning on going into healthcare administration while working, Boston College Online MHA gives you a chance to develop your career without having to quit your current role. There is no reason you should compromise a salary for education!

Form Study Groups

Study groups are perfect for retaining knowledge and catching up on anything you may have missed. At the beginning of the course, form a study group and keep up to date with weekly online meetings. Not only will this help improve your studies, but you will make some great friends along the way, and in the world of healthcare, connections are always a plus.

Talk to Your Manager

Telling your manager that you are studying for a master’s on the side will help them understand when you cannot take on extra shifts – everyone should know where they stand. Plus, your manager has likely been where you are now, so they will understand when you are feeling a little overwhelmed with work.

Manage Your Time Wisely

Time management is crucial for anyone juggling work and studies. Without it, you run the risk of having no time to yourself, which could lead to burnout. At the beginning of each week, write a list of your obligations alongside a schedule to make sure every hour is spent wisely, even if that is taking an hour or two for self-care.

If you struggle with organizing your week, consider downloading a time management app, as it takes the stress out of delegating your time (and even saves you some time in the process).

Focus on the End Goal

You might struggle to focus some days, especially if you have a full day of work alongside hours of study. To keep your motivation high, remind yourself of what your end goal is on days like this. By looking to the future, you will help give your current self the energy you need to keep working hard. It is all worth it in the end!

Working and studying is difficult no matter what the subject is, but healthcare can be particularly stressful. By staying organized, studying online, and keeping motivated, you will find the juggle much easier.


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