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Thinking Of Running A Hospitality Business? Remember The Basics.



Starting up a new business is an exciting time for anyone. Even if you have done so a hundred times before, it is likely that it still gets you excited. One area of business which is likely to do well at the moment is that of hospitality. As an industry, there have been few better times in history than right now. One of the main benefits of a business in this area is that you are likely always to have demand. As long as there are holidaymakers, people will need hotels. One of your main concerns in the early days should be deciding on a good location. This is one of the hardest decisions you will make. But it is also one of the most important, so it is important that you get it right. Nonetheless, regardless of where you end up, there are some basic tenets to bear in mind. Here are the top hospitality business essentials you should bear in mind. Here are the top hospitality business essentials you should bear in mind.

Great Customer Service

It is not only businesses in the hospitality industry which need to consider customer service. The truth is, all companies should make customer service a priority. However, there is no area of business in which it is more important than hospitality. In this industry, your customer needs to be floored from the first instant. From the moment they enter the building, you need to ensure that they are wowed. How to achieve this is a delicate art indeed. One of your best investments regarding this is the frontline staff. That is, the people who are actually on that reception desk when the customers come in. As long as these employees are the best you can find, your business will probably do quite well. Another thing to consider to ensure great customer service is to implement a valet service. A smiling face can greet your guests, hold an umbrella in inclement weather, and offer to help with their luggage. Sometimes, the smallest gestures go a long way and easing the stress of having to park in a crowded downtown area will mean a lot to your guests.



Comfort Above All Else

The people who stay in your building are primarily seeking comfort. This is a fact so incontrovertible as to be almost invisible. It is so obvious that sometimes people are guilty of overlooking it altogether. Don’t allow this to happen within your business. Comfort should always be given a priority. There are many different factors involved in achieving this, of course. With a hotel, the main one is to ensure that the rooms are fitted out as well as possible. Only use the best quality bedding you can afford – from the duvet to the martex sheets. As long as you make the room as comfortable as possible, you are likely to have very satisfied customers indeed.

 Value For Money

Your customers, regardless of who they are, expect to pay a reasonable amount for the service they receive. The first step in achieving this is ensuring your catalogue of prices is both fair and clear. The last thing a customer wants is to be surprised with hidden costs or fees. This is, in short, poor business management. Those customers are unlikely to bother you again – and nor will they recommend your hotel to their friends. As such, ensure that your prices are as transparent as possible. But beyond that, strive to offer competitive prices wherever possible. Yes, you want to make a profit – but you also want to keep them coming back for more.




Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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