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Thinking of moving to Las Vegas?

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Visiting the bright lights of Vegas and moving there are two completely different things. It’s not something many people have envisioned as it is typically seen as a holiday destination. What we forget to remember is, to make Las Vegas what it is for a typical visitor is an entire city which survives in the background and which helps the strip thrive and be the world-renowned holiday and party destination that it is. What was once just an economy supported by the casinos and hotels is now an entire city which helps to support the economy of the casinos and hotels.

This is probably how you have found yourself considering a move to Las Vegas as there are countless opportunities for both business and pleasure in this fascinating city. Like with many cities though and especially in Las Vegas there are some unique facets of the city which should be examined before you decide to make the big move. That is what we are going to look at below.

The weather:

This is one of the most obvious areas to consider when moving to Las Vegas, the desert conditions which are long hot summers and short mild winters. Temperatures range from 40 degrees Celsius in summer to 16 degrees in winter. There are over 300 Sunny days throughout the year. Which in the short term is ideal but for those taking up residents you must take care to protect yourself from the constant sun and heat.

Regarding your home, the gardens and outdoor areas will need a lot more attention than a home in a more welcoming climate. You will need irrigation, maintenance, and landscaping. I would recommend shopping around for a professional or check online for cheap landscaping las vegas That way while you’re at work somebody can maintain your home and keep it looking pristine.

The economy:

As you can already guess most of the economy in Las Vegas is centered around tourism, specifically entertainment and gambling. What you might not know is that the Las Vegas strip is located outside of the city limits. This, of course, has no effect on the thriving economy. If you are looking for a job or hoping to start your own enterprise, there are many incentives including little to no tax on individuals and corporations. There are also plenty of new opportunities emerging in this unique location. You will also find employment within the entertainment industry and tourism, with much of it, centered around both the old and new casino districts.

Sports and entertainment:

Whether you end up working in the entertainment industry or not, you will also want some down time to yourself and there are plenty of outlets for your time other than those already stated. Las Vegas is home to three major sports teams one each for football, Ice-hockey, and basketball. The city also contains over 60 parks which have golf courses, softball courts, playgrounds and plenty more attractions for those young and old.

You can always visit the strip or get involved in more leisurely activities such as a trip to the Grand Canyon, by car or helicopter. For the more adventurous there are numerous extreme activities to undertake in the desert but for these, you will need a guide or some expert training.

As already noted moving to Las Vegas comes with its own unique set of variables but it’s also important to consider the more normal day-to-day aspects of life such as education, transport and if it is truly the right move for you. If it is then you will be lucky enough to live in one of the fascinating cities in the world.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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