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The question is: Should I buy or should I rent?

I’ve been pondering in my head for the last few months about “Should I buy or should I rent”! During the pandemic, a lot of people used the cheaper borrowing rates to purchase a property. However, due to the low supply and great demand, several people decided to sell their homes after property prices increased.

We have been renting our home for a while; however, we are currently at capacity and would prefer to proceed with purchasing a new home. But upon looking at the real estate market, it seems to be a little more than what we expected far as the fees associated with buying a new home.

Although buying a home has numerous advantages, we must first determine whether we can afford to make such a significant decision given the current state of interest rates.

Fortunately, there is a way to estimate your loan payments in advance so that you can get an accurate picture of what monthly homeowner’s costs will be.

One thing I can say is renting allows you the freedom to move around to other locations! It might be challenging to decide which housing choice is best for your family and your budget when deciding between renting and owning a home. But once more, you’ll discover that using an online calculator will give you at least a broad notion of whether a loan is good for your budget.

When renting a home, you can avoid setting aside money for maintenance costs because the landlord bears the expense of upkeep when you rent a property. In a rental home, broken appliances must be repaired or replaced. The costs of repairs and renovations are also covered by the landlord.

However, when you buy your own house, you are responsible for all maintenance and repairs. So, as you can see, deciding whether to rent or buy a property is a very difficult decision that is influenced by a lot of crucial factors.

You can get help and directions from MortgageCalculator.uk by using the loan repayment graphs and the monthly and yearly amortization tables.

Their site provides additional calculators which have features like:

estimating affordability , printable amortisation schedules & remortgages and many other services to assist you in seeing if a monthly payment is suitable for you.

As for me, I’m still unsure if I should continue renting or buy a house. I’ll move forward with buying a new home for my family and myself if I perceive the real estate market improving sufficiently for my needs.

Trust me, you can get help with your mortgage needs from MortgageCalculator.uk, which can provide you with mortgage options in their area.





Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

39 thoughts on “The question is: Should I buy or should I rent?

  • great info thanks

  • We own but got our house when the house market was actually affordable. This year doesn’t seem like a good year to buy but seems like a great year to sell. I’ve seen houses going for crazy prices.

  • We own. While there is always something that needs to be done. But in our case, I think we made the right decision.

  • I own but am struggling to keep up with the upkeep of an aging house, kind of wish I was in an apartment now.

  • Best for home

  • Depends on a lot of different circumstances.

  • Crazy prices on homes and rent. I would mot be buying now.

  • great information!

  • I need to protect my home

  • Rent all the way. Too much responsibility in owning.

  • With Interest rates going up it will be more expensive to purchase a home. On the other side rents just keep going up with no relief for the tenants

    • Personally we own our home with only another 3 years to pay it off but we need a ranch home due to my disability. We are holding off because we don’t think we can get what we need for what we will have to put on it. I just think renting is throwing away money, a house is an investment.

  • I’m renting. I had a heart attack during Covid, some I’m not sure if I will ever get to buy a home now.

  • I think buying is always best, unless you’re in a very short-term situation.

  • I will probably never own my own home. In debt with student loans and crappy credit doesn’t get you a house 😂

  • RENT because the real-estate taxes are almost as much as rent

  • I’m currently renting. Just signed a two year least. Maybe one day…..

  • Don’t move an inch till the housing prices start to level out

  • I own now but miss renting for one reason if something went wrong the landlord fixed it owning can nickle and dime a person to death .

  • Impressive piece of equipment.

  • I’m 58 and finally managed to pay off my mortgage this year. Buying will certainly help you build equity!

  • buying is an investment to build equity and serves as a solid foundation….with renting you are paying someone else’s mortgage…..so why not pay your own mortgage

  • Nice to have a tool like this – differs depending on market. Plenty of houses in my smaller town with mortagage payments lower than rent.

  • I would wait for the prices to go down a little before I buy. I already own a house though.

  • In my area, buying is best if you can swing it, Reent just keeps going up at a ridiculous rate.

  • Very helpful information. Thanks!

  • We bought at the end of last year, and the house we bought has increased in value by over $100,000 since we closed. We made the choice after our rent went up quite a bit last fall, and were told that come the beginning of 2022 they were going to planning to increase the rent again due to property values going up. With no cap, and seeing that the rent is now almost double from what we were paying in 2020, we are paying quite a bit less for our mortgage than we would be paying now in rent. The house we rented was much smaller, not much of a yard, no privacy, and in a very busy area along with other things that made the decision to buy a bit easier.

  • In my area, its best to buy if you can find a house.

  • If possible buy, but if you must rent set a timeline.

  • Sometimes you can get a really good deal on real estate.

  • Buy if you can, if not. rent and save, save save!

  • As a Realtor, I have to say, I never push my clients. There are a lot of factors to look at in finances, taxes, upkeep, cost, etc, You have to go with what is right for you.

  • I really want to buy but it’s just not the right time right now

    • I own my home


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