Beauty & Fashion

The Psychological Impact of Color on Your Own Personal Sense of Style

Every business, and on a broader spectrum, every industry, has long since used the power of color to influence consumers, from the meticulous design of online gambling sites to health advice from medical professionals.

In terms of color and its psychological impact on the world of fashion, high-end and high-street designers alike take extra care in choosing complimentary colors in every single piece of clothing they create.

Read on to learn more about the fascinating psychological impact of color on your own personal sense of style.



While some people associate the color red with anger and others see all shades of red as more of a romantic and intense color, everyone can agree that red represents powerful emotion, and an entire thesis could be written on why women choose to wear red lipstick.

Red clothing, shoes, and accessories all serve to grab attention from friends and strangers alike, and when wanting to make a statement, wear as much red as possible!


Yellow, both in bright and bold shades and more muted pastel versions are often associated with being alert and excited, as well as with creativity. Almost exclusively, yellow clothing conveys a casual look.

Even when you are packing for your beach vacation, you should consider the color of the swimsuits you choose to bring with you, with bright yellow one-pieces showing how much you love the summer and the sunshine.


The huge spectrum of blues available in clothing, shoes, and accessories is seemingly limitless, but almost conclusively all of the impressions and emotions associated with blue are all related to the ocean.

As such, wearing blue encourages connotations of serenity and peace and several studies have also suggested they make people consider the wearer to be trustworthy, honest and friendly.


Black, along with red, is also an intensely powerful color that is often surrounded by intrigue and mystery and is a popular choice to form the base color of many people’s closets.

In addition to mystery, black is also associated with royalty, elegance, and a general sense of dignity, which is why it is also a common color used in luxury goods, automobiles, and high-end designer suits.

Black swimsuits are also a shrewd color choice for those who still want to look stylish and attractive but want to lose weight and are, therefore, looking for a slimming color.


The only neutral color most regularly worn by huge numbers of people in every country of the world, white also holds neutral connotations in a psychological context.

As a rule, when you wear white, you are rarely excluding yourself from any group or projecting any sort of strong emotion to make people make a pre-judgment of you (however accurate or not).

Interestingly, white is usually the chosen color for cult leaders, who want to portray an aura of neutrality to their followers. It is also, of course, worn by traditional brides on their wedding day, which represents innocence and purity.



Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

5 thoughts on “The Psychological Impact of Color on Your Own Personal Sense of Style

  • I think that white is the most interesting of all isn’t it? It makes perfect sense that it’s used to create a false sense of neutrality for some. That’s definitely one to watch for

  • Color theory represented through fashion and clothing has always felt like an interesting concept to me! I like how this post breaks down the basics.

  • Loving this and my go tos are black, white tops, lots of blue jeans and some grey and green pieces too. I love mixing it up and black clothing has always been my go to. I just like how it looks on me 🙂 This post is so cool and love the meanings behind the colors too.

  • I am really amazed on how the colors that you with really have a connection with your mood and personality. I really appreciate this kind of posts.

  • How interesting. I have a variety of colors in my closet. I usually don’t focus on what they mean. Whatever is clean, ha.


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