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NH News

The Perfect Mother’s Day Gift from Soulevant Lingerie!

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Mother’s Day will be arriving very soon on May 10, 2015! Though it will be here, before you know it! I wanted to know, have you thought about a gift you would like to give your mom or wife?

No? Then this is the best time to look around, before the actual date sneaks up on you! But wait, you don’t have to look any further! Soulevant Lingerie has a great selection of printed chemises that would be a wonderful gift for Mother’s Day.

Let me share with you a few things that I have chosen for myself. First, I would have to say that I love, and I mean love, the PINK CHEMISE.


The detailed mid-length chemise is beautiful!! The black overlay adds a certain classy look to it, which I adore. Made with soft stretchable fabric, this chemise will provide mom with the room she needs to be comfortable. Not only is the Chemise comfortable, but it offers a built-in comfort bra that will support your girls all day and night!

I’m sure many women, such as myself, cannot wait to get home after a long day of work. The first thing I do is take off my work clothes, and slip into something more comfortable and casual. I love to grab one of those sexy nightgown or lingerie; however, finding a beautiful nightgown can be hard at times. You see, the market just don’t have many gowns that appeal to full-figured, older women like myself.

We need more lingerie options that will offer us the ability to wear them more comfortably day and night. Something that will make us feel sexy and great no matter what size. Something that we can wear without the use of wearing a bra, but still remains comfortable!


Another beautiful Chemise is the COLORFUL ZEBRA PRINT !


I really like this one as well! It looks very comfortable and can be worn indoors or outdoors! On those hot summer days or nights, you can just slip into the Chemise Zebra Print and relax all day long.

I’m sure Mom would love this one also!! Once again Soulevant Lingerie has created a wonderful garment that is versatile for either day or night! Plus no need to worry about wearing a bra, as with all their Chemise line, they have built-in bras is to support your girls with comfort! :0)

Each garment is machine washable, hang dry, and made in the USA. It has no wires, 92% polyester/ 8% spandex, and will fully support and cover your chest very well. It’s created with soft/comfortable fabric, and you can select among a variety of solid colors or vivid prints.

So what do you think? I think mom will love her Chemise from Soulevant Lingerie for Mother’s Day!


Don’t wait to visit them today! You an see their selection and place your order, so it can arrive just in time for Mother’s Day!! Use coupon code mom to get  25% off through Mothers Day only!



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Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

29 thoughts on “The Perfect Mother’s Day Gift from Soulevant Lingerie!

  • They look so cozy! A giveaway would be great!

  • Yes to the giveaway. This is so beautiful..

  • I would probably pass on the giveaway.

  • Would love a giveaway from Soulevant Lingerie

  • Yes for giveaway. Pretty and fun to wear items.

  • Giveaway: Yes

  • yes, these would be nice for the summer when it is hot

  • Giveaway – yes. Pretty. comfortable, feminine

  • Giveaway – Yes! I love these!!

  • Giveaway YES. These are very pretty for big beautiful women like me.

  • These are so cute would love to enter a giveaway to win one

  • Giveaway – yes. This looks comfortable and cool for spring and summer.

  • This is a YES on a giveaway pretty please <3

  • Yes for many who’d enjoy this in the spring time as it is warming up

  • yes to giveaway

  • I love the colors! I would wear this.

  • I wouldn’t wear these so I have to say no.

  • really pretty and looks comfy

  • These are beautiful! It would make a great giveaway! I love the pink, too.

  • Yes Please!!!

  • Oh yes to the giveaway! This looks so cool and comfy!

  • Yes to the giveaway.

  • Something classy and comfy for a woman of a NORMAL size and a giveaway? That would ROCK!!

  • Oh, so pretty! What a pleasure to see beautiful lingerie for women that are over a size 4! Defintitely a giveaway, pretty please? Oh, YES!!! : )

  • Giveaway – YES!

  • I love how comfortable these look! Pretty nighties that would actually cover my boobs! LOL.


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