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The Little Feng Shui Tips That Can Save Your Night Sleep

For many, Feng Shui is a more than a décor advising guide: It is a philosophy of a better being that bonds the individuals with their environment in all harmony. It may be a little tricky to pick up on the complexity of the Taoist thinking, of which Feng Shui is a part, with just a quick reading, you can already learn a few tips to improve your house and your life in it. Feng Shui masters are renowned for being happy and relaxed people, so why not grab a little piece of their happiness and plant it into the room of your house in which you spend one-third of your life, the bedroom?

Why Harmony Of Sensuality, Relaxation And Positive Energy

The bedroom is the heart of a person’s life, as it combines activities that are essential to your well-being day after day.

relaxThe bed is for sleeping and for intimate pleasure, so this is where you can relax at the end of a long day, experience voluptuous sensuality, and refresh yourself of all pressures. Feng Shui is a Chinese philosophy that is built on the polarization of individual needs with their environment, and consequently it is also your best ally to make the most of your bedroom. Among the most difficult thing to do in a bedroom is to be able to let go of the daily stress, and especially the one you might encounter at the workplace before you shut your eyes for a soothing night of sleep.

Stone tower by Pixabay

Practical Considerations For Your Comfort

If you think that an ancient philosophy cannot improve the quality of your sleep, think again. Feng Shui is full of practical ideas and practices to organize your space in a down-to-earth and effective manner. Your journey to a better night sleep starts with organizing your sleeping space. Your bed needs to be readily available from both sides, so that you can both get in and out comfortably. You need to have space at both sides to place a bedside table for each of you. Additionally, the harmony you create in the space with the symmetry of the bed within the room, can be complemented with the right furniture and arrangements, such as a good mattress and high-quality bed sheets from natural fibers.


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Feng Shui For The Mind

Once you’ve sorted out the practical setting in your bedroom and organized how to move around the bed and how to make the bed more comfortable, it is time to turn yourself toward the part of Feng Shui that looks after your mind. The quality of air in the bedroom will help you relax, but its freshness and its naturalness matter just as much. In the Feng Shui philosophy, there is no place for artificial smells or plants in the bedroom. Fresh air comes from an open window or natural essential oils. The movement back to a natural décor in the bedroom is driving relaxation of the mind: Natural smells and skin colors are avoid any form of excitement that could damage your sleep or your sexual health.


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