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NH News

The Different Ways To Consume Marijuana

Marijuana has always been popular, and over the past few years, with the legalization of it in various places around the world, it has become more popular than ever before. Over the past decade, medical marijuana has become a popular alternative for people suffering from chronic pain, anxiety, and other debilitating conditions. Different ways to consume medical marijuana are on the rise. With more states legalizing it, people have a lot of options on how they choose to manage their symptoms. Before you decide on what method is best for you, there are some things you should know about each one.

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2021 is the year of innovation as well as a year of growth for the cannabis industry. In the past few years, there have been many additions to the world of cannabis consumption, and seemingly one of the more popular additions is the dab rig. 

A dab rig is a water pipe that makes use of a heated tool to vaporize a concentrate. From there, you inhale the vapor that has gone through the water chamber and cooled down before it reaches your lungs. 

Dab rigs are very similar to bongs in how they work, except for the fact that instead of weed, you use a cannabis concentrate, and instead of combustion, you apply the product to a heated element of the dab rig called a nail. You will be able to feel the effects of a dab rig within a few minutes, and the high you get will be dependent on the strength of the concentrate you buy. 


The next consumption method we have on our list Is vaping. Vaping has been popular for the last decade or so but has only recently made a name for itself in the cannabis industry. 

When it comes to consuming cannabis through vaping, initially you could only buy a vape that used cannabis concentrates. While these are still available and still very popular, a newer addition to the vape scene is the dry herb vaporizer. 

Dry herb vaporizers are just like your standard vape, however, instead of filling the chamber with a cannabis concentrate or liquid, it is filled with the dry herb itself. This method is so popular that a lot of online stores, like MagicVaporizers, exist solely to sell many different types like the Crafty vaporizer, which you can see through this link. Dry herb vaporizers are also said to be a much healthier alternative to smoking, and you even get more bang for your buck. 


If you are desperate for instant relief, then tinctures are something that you should be looking into. 

Tinctures are cannabis concentrate drops that are placed under the tongue. This is the fastest way for cannabis to enter the bloodstream and circulate the body, meaning it also has the fastest-acting effects. 

Joints and Bongs  

To this day, by far the most popular consumption method when it comes to cannabis is through smoking joints and bongs. Smoking joints is the go-to cannabis consumption method, and not to mention, the cheapest.

Bongs have also been around for a few decades now, and people choose to use bongs because they give the same effect as smoking, but it takes you a much shorter amount of time to smoke the same amount of marijuana. 


Last but not least, we have edibles. This is yet another method that has been around for a long time but has only risen to fame in the past few years. While edibles have always been around, these days they are so much more than you would have ever expected. 

Whether you want something sweet or salty, or whether you want a snack or a meal, there is something to choose from. With everything from chocolates to candies, to beverages, and even fully cooked meals, the possibilities are endless. 



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