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NH News

The Best Engine Makers In The World!


Luke Jones

When it comes to engines, there are only a handful of companies that stand out from the crowd. Most of them have a lot of experience as they were first launched many decades ago. Their creations have been used in some of the most important vehicles ever designed, and they even played a big role in helping us succeed in WW2. Today, we’re going to take a look at some of the recognizable brands that have helped to advance the motoring world to the positions in which it sits today. It’s important that engine makers are celebrated for thinking outside of the box and pushing our society forward. Had it not been for the talented team at Jaguar, the British car industry might never have taken off to such an extent.

We hope that learning about the best engine makers will help you to make the right decision when it comes to purchasing your next vehicle. On top of that, the information on this page might even help you to win the next pub quiz! If we don’t understand how some of the most impressive technology has come into being, how can we fully appreciate it?


As German engine manufacturers go, Mercedes-Benz beats all competitors hands down. The company was created from a mix of different brands in the early 1900s, but the name you hear today first appeared in 1926. Over the years, they have produced some of the most innovative and educated designs we have ever seen. While they do make engines for planes and other aerial vehicles, it is their success on the race track that is most impressive. Mercedes cars regularly win touring car competitions, and they’ve even scored a few Formulas One victories. The best thing about products created by this manufacturer is that they are built to last, the Mercedes GLB 200 has a great torque to weight ratio. You will find thousands of models that are more than thirty years old available for sale. That is amazing. Most engines will give in long before that.

Interesting fact:

  • Cars produced by Mercedes-Benz will never rattle, no matter how old they become. That is because they are welded in around 10,000 places to limit the use of screws and bolts that could become loose over time.

Ford Motor Company

The Michigan-based motoring giants Ford come a close second. Founded by Henry Ford in 1903, the firm soon began to drive the motoring world to a more advanced level. Up until that point, the only cars available in the US were produced abroad. Either that or they were made by smaller companies with very poor safety records. Interestingly, Ford engines are considered so reliable that they are often used by top agricultural manufacturers. Indeed, that is why sites like FarmTrader feature many vehicles that contain machinery designed by the company. Like Mercedes, the people at Ford know what their customers want, and they have had no trouble producing it thus far.

Interesting fact:

  • While Ford does not produce airplane engines at the current time, they once created the Trimotor. For anyone who doesn’t know, it was a complete plane that helped the American army immensely during WW2.


Honda is one of the youngest engine manufacturers on this list, but they are by no means the least experienced. The Japanese company was first launched in 1959. Since that time, they have gone on to become a major player on the global scene. Still today, we see them making waves in the industry with their latest releases. The new Honda CRF250L has helped to set a higher standard in the two-wheeler world. Unlike most of the other firms mentioned on this page, Honda is committed to progressing the art of robotics. That is probably what helps them to stand out from the crowd. However, they also produce engines for many different types of aircraft, and that has become the most profitable side of their business to date. Honda engines are not only reliable, but they also offer good value for money.

Interesting fact:

  • As well as being the world’s largest motorcycle manufacturer, Honda is also the biggest producer of combustion engines. They sell more than fourteen million of them every single year!


BMW is yet another fantastic German engine manufacturer. At the current time, they make products for some of the most advanced touring cars around. However, the company was very different when it first launched in 1916. Like IBM, the firm was forced to produce goods for the German government during WW2, and so they got a bad reputation. However, there is no getting away from the fact that they significantly helped to advance efficient engine technology. In recent times, BMW Formula One cars have been making the headlines, and the company has won awards as a supplier to other teams. Designers who create concepts for this brand often have safety as their priority. That is why BMW has become the manufacturer of choice for many families around the world.

Interesting fact:

  • For the first couple of years when BMW first came onto the scene, they have no intention of producing cars. That is why they have a propeller logo. The company was focused on airplane engines and surprisingly, brakes for trains.

Now you’ve learned some interesting stuff about the world’s best engine manufacturers, we hope you feel like reading this post was worthwhile. Engines are incredibly complicated machines, and the way they work today is nothing like they did fifty years ago. Writing this article has made us think about the advancements that might come in the future. Will the designers ever create a reliable water-powered vehicle? Can they work out a way of harnessing the sun’s energy to power a car for thousands of miles? Maybe

The latest range of electric cars to hit the market have shown that engine makers are taking environmental issues seriously. We wonder if that trend will continue long enough for a breakthrough? So long as people keep putting pressure on the companies to go green, we should all feel excited about the next few years.



Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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