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Sweet Peek LOREX Baby Monitor, keeping babies under the watchful eye of Moms!

Disclosure: I received a free product from the sponsor to review. I received no monetary compensation, and my opinions are 100% my own and were not influenced by the sponsor.

BB2411_main_picLOREX “Sweet Peek” Monitor is ready to give you and your baby the security they need. This monitor is listed as one of our Top Picks this Holiday Season. With its 2.4″ portable LCD monitor, you’ll get up to 8hrs of viewing under the watchful eye of mom or dad.

This portable monitor can be placed in any room and also provides clear night vision along with having the ability to zoom in or out on your little one. The two-way talk lets you roam the house and chat with your baby from any room.


                                          Photo Curiosity of Lorex

The Sweet Peek monitor has a range of up to 450ft Wireless Outdoor range, so let’s say baby is sleeping and you wanted to grab your mail, well this monitor will still be able to pick up any activity within your child’s room…. awesome I would say!

Even though this Sweet Peek only comes with one camera, you can purchase more wireless cameras to help keep up with all the kids throughout your home. Just think, having the ability to keep your eyes and ears on your precious baby is the most rewarding comfort a parent could ever ask for.

So this Christmas add Sweet Peek to your Christmas list so Sweet Peek monitor can provide you and your baby the security and comfort he or she need.

Sweet Peek includes:


  • 1 x Wireless camera
  • 1 x 2.4” Rechargeable LCD monitor
  • 2 x Power adapters
  • 1 x Mounting kit
  • 1 x Manual

Thanks, Lorex for allowing us to showcase your Sweet Peek baby monitor for our Top Pick this Holiday Season.


Visit LOREX today to learn more about their Home/Baby video security system with wireless cameras…their working hard to keeping you family safe.
Connect with them via Facebook, Twitter  ,Google+,Youtube and Pinterest
Disclosure: I received a free product from the sponsor to review. I received no monetary compensation, and my opinions are 100% my own and were not influenced by the sponsor.



Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

15 thoughts on “Sweet Peek LOREX Baby Monitor, keeping babies under the watchful eye of Moms!

  • I would like to give this to my new mommy friend.

  • I personally would not need something like this, but I know someone who is about to have a baby who would love it

  • This looks like a great product.

  • cool item. great gift for new mom

  • I could really use this with my little boy.

  • That looks useful

  • Monitors are great!

  • I would love to have something like this…I never saw the need for one when our son was a baby since we had the motion detector but now that he is a toddler this would be wonderful for when he is in his big boy bed. Always have to keep an eye on those “too quiet” moments

  • giveaway is over, but commenting because entering another giveaway

  • I would love this!

  • Great for Mom’s with little ones. Mine are grown.

  • This is nice. 🙂

  • I think this is a must have for all moms out there, it’s so cool too.

  • Even though my daughter is a toddler I still think this would be great to put in her room for the simple fact that I am a single mother and this would help me not worry so much I can have constant check on her


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