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Stunning Ideas for 2020 Christmas Ornaments

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Trends for Christmas decorations are different from year to year, and for this 2020 season, there is no exception. If you are looking for stunning Christmas ornaments to complete your 2020 X-mas tree, don’t miss out on the suggestions below.

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List of outstanding ornaments for the 2020 Christmas season

1. Pandemic Ornaments

It’s not easy to forget all the chaos caused by the pandemic that we have faced this year, which inherently makes this ornament idea become a trending and unique one for this 2020 Christmas season. 

If you would like to commemorate this “cannot-be-worse year”, take a look at this 2020 pandemic Christmas Ornament.

This wooden ornament captures all the familiar yet uncomfortable things that we have experienced during the quarantine such as the travel ban, cancel plans, face marks, washing hands often, and many other things. 

Good quality is another reason making this small piece of wood appear first on this list. Indeed, its images, letters, and colors are well-designed which can visually appeal to you at your first glance as it really did to me. 

Undoubtedly, this is a perfect ornament to end the chaotic year 2020 ever. 

2. Pandemic Ornaments: a funny version

If you are excited about the pandemic idea, try another version – the funny one, with this A year to remember Christmas Ornament.

This ornament also portrays all the activities we got used to in the pandemic (like the previous one) but is more likely a common checklist. There are no colorful images but a simple toilet paper roll shape. But this does not mean no- attraction. Yes, it just attracted me by its unique simplicity!

If you are a fan of creative and funny things, this ornament seems to be a great choice for your Christmas decoration this year. So, don’t skip it! 

3. Glass ball ornaments

The glass ball is a classic and traditional ornament idea. This type of ornament, also called baubles, can be seen in most Christmas trees. 

This time, let’s try a fresh new approach by making your glass ball ornaments commemorate your special events in 2020. Not a bad idea, right? Now, think about those remarkable events, whether it’s a graduation, a wedding, or seeing your first baby moment, there will always be an ornament for each occasion. 

What can be more amazing with the ornaments that reflect your whole year’s good moments? I believe that, with this idea, you can also make lots of wonderful gifts for your family and lover as well.

4. Personalized Ornaments

If you don’t have time or don’t know how to make an ornament that reflects your own moments, now you can easily find commercially personalized ones in ornaments stores as a replacement! Well, although they come in mass produce, those ornaments can still bring a slightly deeper meaning of “heart and soul” than the traditional ones. 

This type of decoration, as I said before, makes a perfect keepsake for your special occasions, and will be treasured for years later. 

Your sweet memory about an anniversary, your engagement or even a favorite football team that you are a huge fan of, and other good times will be reminded by those stunning ornaments. Highlighting and sharing precious moments together can definitely tighten the relationship with you and your loved ones. So, a great addition to your X-mas tree, isn’t it?

5. Shaped glass ornaments

If you get bored with the classic round ball, then try other special shapes of glass ornaments that come in a variety. Abundant ornaments can make the decorations look more magical and enchanting. Below are some special ornament shapes that you can have a try.

  • Egg-shaped ornaments (also called “elongated ovals”)
  • Icicle-Shaped Ornaments: this type of ornament works great on Christmas trees that have natural themes. Sometimes, it has beads of glass rather than just a simple icicle.
  • Teardrop-Shaped Ornaments (also called “chandelier-shaped”)
  • Lamp-Shaped Ornaments (sometimes called “heart-shaped”)
  • Sphere-Shaped Ornaments
  • Other adorable symbols or animal-shaped ornaments

6. DIY Holiday Ornaments

Christmas is a special time as all of your family members are brought together. So, it is great if your family can spend time together making your own ornaments, isn’t it?

With DIY ornaments, each member of your family can add her or his own personal touch to your home decorations. Although it might get a bit hard to do and does take you a bit of time, I believe what you get will be worthy. 

Some of you might find that inspiration for making such a DIY ornament is not always easy. So, not to waste your time, I have already attached some of my favorite DIY projects here. If yours is not here, you can browse more on other online sources.

DIY ornament: reindeers 

This item, which is a common project at school, is a super easy craft for your kids, even for your toddlers (of course with little help). You can even make a Santa’s team of reindeer if you want. To do this, you will need ball ornaments (glass or plastic), craft paper, scissors, ribbon, glue, pompoms, google eyes, and marker. 

DIY ornaments: hot chocolate

A cup of hot chocolate can warm up the cold winter days. Hanging a hot chocolate ornament can really make the Christmas tree look so festive. It works best for a tree that is themed in kitchen style. What you need to prepare are: a plastic beverage cup with a handle, pompoms, white paint, straw, glue, scissors, and ribbon.

DIY ornaments: wish list

This Wish-List ornament takes me less than 5 minutes to do. I wrote my wishes on a brown piece of paper, sticked with a red ribbon bow and a golden bell, and ta-da I had a beautiful and 100% unique DIY ornament. 

I made one every Christmas season, as my wishes are different each year. I reuse the ribbon bow and the bell, only change the wish list. Such a great idea, right? 

Christmas comes only once a year. No matter how hard we have to struggle in this 2020, let’s forget all the bad memories, sit around the stunning X-mas tree and get inspiration for the next year to come. With the list of 2020 Christmas ornaments above, I hope that this article can help to handle your decoration job.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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