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Home & Garden

Small Space For a Garden? A Tiny Pond Will Do a Job

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While gardening has long been a popular pastime for people all over the world, the recent Covid-19 pandemic helped the industry grow even larger. Some people have gardens to grow veggies, some to improve the aesthetic of their yard, while others will simply garden for something to do.

Some people may have a space for a large and vast garden, but many others will be working with limited space. However, being limited in terms of space doesn’t mean that your garden can’t look great. And one of the best ways to take your small garden to the next level is by adding a tiny pond.

This article is going to go over some things to consider and think about when building a tiny pond for your garden.

Ensure You Have the Right Equipment

In general, creating a pond is as easy as digging a hole, lining it correctly and filling it with water. However, a pond can be much more than just a hole with some water in it. There are several pieces of equipment you should pick up to boost not only how a pond functions, but also how it looks.

This includes pumps, filters, fountains, lights, water treatment, UV clarifiers and several others. The good news is, if you visit aquatic ponds, you will have quick, easy and affordable access to all the equipment you may need, in one spot.

Choose the Right Size and Location

But before you can actually break ground and start building your pond, you need to decide where you want to put your pond. Some people will do it off to the side of the garden, while others may have it right inside their garden. If you can make it work, you could even have a pond surrounding your small garden and then build a bridge to reach it.

In addition to the location, you also need to think about the size. If you are limited on space, you can still fit a tiny pond into most gardens. Even the shape can be tinkered with depending on the space you have to work with. There is no right or wrong choice, and what you go with will simply depend on your preferences.

Put Some Thought Into the Purpose it Will Have

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Before building a pond, it can be a good idea to put some thought into what purpose the pond will have. Knowing your reason for building a pond can help you choose everything from the equipment and accessories to buy, to the shape and size you decide to go with. The purpose might simply be to look good, while others may build one with a waterfall for the soothing noise of the water.

Your pond could even serve as a great place for plant and animal wildlife to thrive. The choice is yours, but the purpose can change how the pond looks, so do your best to think about this ahead of time.

In conclusion, with a tiny pond, even your small garden can look like a million dollar oasis. We hope the tips in this article have been able to help you know what to think about before building the tiny pond of your dreams.



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