Shoestring Sales – 5 Ways To Impress New Clients When Your Budget Is Limited
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Wondering how to impress new prospects without having the budget that larger companies have? Don’t worry, there are effective, affordable ways to make an impact and add value to your business. Here are five ways to impress new clients when your budget is limited:
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1. Offer A Plush Meeting Venue When You Need To
Many new companies cannot afford the hefty costs of a leased office. So where do you take that important new client when they want to come by and hear your pitch? Have you considered serviced offices? They have communal meeting rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, beautiful decor and often, pay-as-you-go services to utilize as and when you need to. You can use a fitted, clean, professional space as needed, without the financial hardship of a long-term lease.
2. Go For Coffee Or Lunch, Not Dinner
Dinner often comes at more of a cost (especially with drinks) compared to lunch, and especially costs more than a delicious frothy coffee and a slice of cake. There are some gorgeous artisan coffee shops and forward-thinking lunch spots that will impress your clients just as much as a fancy dinner, all while keeping the costs down. Do visit beforehand though to scout out the quietest times, so you’re not forced into the nearest chain eatery squeezed amongst blaring families and loud overhead music.
3. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate
Connecting regularly is important when trying to impress new clients. Even better, being proactive means you’re solving problems that the client didn’t even know that they had. Email or call them first. Be the first to suggest things, update them and arrange meetups. If you’re not sure that communication is valuable, consider that the cost of poor communication in business reached an all-time high of $37 billion dollars last year. You can definitely add value by communicating well with business connections you want to keep.
What and who you know is extremely valuable. Make introductions, share your expertise and knowledge, and flex, flex, flex your business standing. This is one area you can truly impress new clients without spending a penny because you already paid for your experience in this industry with time and hard work.
5. Be Likeable
According to a study published by Forbes, most people rate transparency, sincerity and the capacity to understand others, over attributes like intelligence or attractiveness. When it comes to business, it pays to be likeable. You might have similar skills to John from the rival firm in town, who your client has also met. But John isn’t as caring as you, or as openly compassionate. John doesn’t remember his client’s favorite hobbies, hasn’t chatted about his client’s kids, and hasn’t been relatable about the difficulties of placing them in a good school in town. Don’t be John. Instead, be the kindest, most relatable, likable you that you can be and you’ll get the favor of your client. Remember, “Time is not money, time is worth way more than money.” – Rory Vader
In business, there is plenty of value to present that goes far beyond anything that can be bought. By following our tips above, you can impress your new client without spending much money at all.