Home & Garden

Securing Your Loved Ones At Home.

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Feeling safe at home is one of the highest priorities for any family. No one wants to worry about break-ins and home invasions that threaten our safety. We want that warm bed, cozy living room, and the sanctuary of our kitchens. We want to know that the things we have worked hard to purchase will stay there. That is one of the primary catalysts behind the booming demand for updated home security products. So how do we make sure that our home is as safe as can be?

Ensure the Lights Stay Bright

Motion detectors that turn on outside lights and dimmers that make your living room lights come on at certain times of the day are just two ways you can ramp up your security. They are excellent at deterring would-be thieves when a random light comes on and exposes them prowling around outside. Or creates the illusion that someone is home when no one is. Most burglars do not want to break in when someone is home and they certainly do not want to be seen! If you already have these measures in place, be sure to have routine lighting services on the equipment so that it is always in top working order.

Doors Should be Locked Tight

For many folks, the doors are one of their favorite parts of the home. It’s the one place everyone comes through and so they want beautiful doors to lead the way into their beautiful abode. There should be some precaution as to the style of the door. As welcoming and beautiful as glass doors are, you should get rid of them. A strong steel door in your favorite color can be just as welcoming and beautiful without the fear of someone busting through. Make sure you have the toughest locks you can find and consider purchasing a door jammer to reinforce the door.

Reinforce Your Windows

Windows are one of the easiest ways to get into the home and technology is helping provide us with some safety measures. Of course, you cannot get rid of windows, we need windows to welcome in the warmth of the sun and watch the steady rain. It is wiser to make sure all windows are made with polycarbonate or plexiglass. Plexiglass is one of the more affordable options and is made of acrylic. They have the same thickness as traditional glass and yet are 10 times stronger. Polycarbonate is more expensive but has the same thickness as regular glass and is 250 times stronger. Some insurance companies are now offering discounts if your windows are made with plexiglass or polycarbonate. So the expense pays for itself when you take safety measures and get a discount on insurance.

Make Your Home Less Attractive

Of course, your home is beautiful and we want you to keep it this way. Your neighborhood thief isn’t marveling at how you decorated your breezeway or even paying attention to the peonies that line your walkway. They are taking note of your habits and surroundings. They want to know if they can get in and out without being seen and with your stuff. So here are a couple of suggestions:

  • When purchasing new electronics, destroy the box so the brand is unrecognizable
  • Avoid privacy fences and tall shrubs around the house (it makes it easier!)
  • Secure all pet doors
  • Buy a big dog

Whether you need to update your outdoor lighting or replace your old windows, any little change you can make will help. You don’t have to make a bunch of changes all at once, do them one at a time as you can.



Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

5 thoughts on “Securing Your Loved Ones At Home.

  • Pingback: Why The Bedroom Is The Toughest Room To Get Right - Night Helper

  • Pingback: Going Above and Beyond: Making Sure Your Home and Family are Safe - Night Helper

  • These are very helpful tips, thank you so much for sharing! My dad’s house is SO dark at night because he was tired of trying to remember to turn off the front lights in the morning. I did not like this at all so I bought him a timer for the lights. 🙂 Now I feel like he is much safer in his home.

  • One thing you can never take lightly is security of your home for your family and yourself. I like that you put less attractive in there. Everyone is always wanting to show off their new gadgets they don’t realize that that attracts thieves.

  • So many of your tips make so much sense and should be thought of, yet often we forget the simple ones. My house is locked up tighter than fort knox LOL. Thanks for sharing.


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