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Health & Fitness

October Is Breast Cancer Month! Please schedule your exam :)

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! This is one cause that is close and dear to my heart. You see I just lost my second sister to Breast Cancer just 4 months ago and another one 12 years ago along with my father who died of cancer as well. This disease is truly dreadful in every way taking our love ones faster then ever. Sometime I wonder is it what we really eat, is it our drinking water, is it something that is just lurking in all of us. I pray not!

Statistic shows us that over 200,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer every year.

One person is diagnosed with breast cancer every 3 minutes.

One person dies of breast cancer every 14 minutes.

People over the age of 50 account for 76% of breast cancer cases.

There is over a 97% five-year survival rate when localized breast cancer is caught before it spreads to other parts of the body.

Sometimes even with having the best treatment cancer cells can reoccur.
Approximately one third of women with estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer experience a recurrence (breast cancer coming back). Over half of these occur more than five years after surgery.

For more information on breast cancer, visit our resources page.

1. American Cancer Society.

2. Breast Health Resource Guide. Avon Foundation. http://www.avoncompany.com/women/avoncrusade/bccguide.

3. American Cancer Society. Breast Cancer Quick Facts. http://www.cancer.org/docroot/GI/content/GI_2_9_Breast_Cancer_Quick_Facts.asp?

4. Weiss, M. and Weiss, E. Living Beyond Breast Cancer: A survivor’s Guide for When Treatment Ends and the Rest of Your Life Begins.

I’m so sadden by how breast cancer has taken so many of our love ones. Even when writing this blog I can hardly keep it together….wondering what’s next….who’s next….or just when. All I can do is stay in prayer asking God to comfort my aching heart and soul. I miss my sisters and my dad all gone to soon.

I say to each of my sisters out there…..GET TESTED! Contact your doctor soon to schedule your yearly mammograms exam.

Let’s save your life and the lives of others that can be affected!

Until next time: R.I.P. to all those we have lost to Breast Cancer, Don’t give up to those who are fighting!!! When stand together supporting each of you!


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

6 thoughts on “October Is Breast Cancer Month! Please schedule your exam :)”

  • Thanks for the comment.I am a 2x cancer survivor, but of thyroid not breast.Still its dear to my heart as a youngmom nothing scared me more than that word!God Bless and keep in touch!

  • Hi There! Thank you for visiting me yesterday to celebrate my SITS Day! U are deeply appreciated!

  • Very nice post. My husband lost his mom to breast cancer and any kind of cancer is a serious issue in our house.
    I agree it is hard to even write about it. When I was writing a post about breast cancer last week I had to stop and have a good cry.

    Stopping by from SITS


  • Popping in from SITS!
    Great blog, I am now following you.

    Thanks for the information! 🙂

  • nice post! serious issue…


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