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Newair 12” Portable Electric Indoor and Outdoor Pizza Oven with Accessory Kit Model: NPOE12BK00

With the help of Newair 12” Portable Electric Indoor and Outdoor Pizza Oven with Accessory Kit (Model: NPOE12BK00), you can turn any space into an outdoor/indoor kitchen.

We typically order delivery pizza when we’re celebrating a child’s birthday or not up for cooking that day.

 Pizza is our go-to quick dinner because it’s affordable, satisfying, and never fails to disappoint. 

However, nothing compares to a hot, freshly prepared pizza that you and the kids made by hand right out of the oven. Now is the time for the kids to show off their pizza-making skills by creating their own homemade pizzas!

Without a doubt, pizza ovens are designed for uses other than baking pizzas. These high-temperature ovens may be used to cook various baked foods besides pizza. Read your manual and watch what happens!

So, when I saw Newair had a new 12” Portable Electric Indoor and Outdoor Pizza Oven with Accessory Kit (Model: NPOE12BK00), I was beyond excited to try it.


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Now when your pizza oven arrives, you will see it packed securely in a box. We took our pizza oven out and placed it right on the counter.


The size of this oven in my opinion is perfect. It’s a 12inch Portable Electric Pizza Oven with a voltage of 110-120. The product dimensions are as follows: 23″D x 14.15″W x 10.8″H and it weighs: 22 lbs which is not heavy at all. Being able to transport this pizza oven anyplace without worrying about its weight capacity is why I believe the weight size is crucial. Underneath your Newair 12” Portable Electric Indoor and Outdoor Pizza Oven with Accessory Kit (Model: NPOE12BK00) you will see four foldable legs attached, once you pull those legs out your oven is ready to stand securely on your surface.

The Newair 12” Portable Electric Indoor and Outdoor Pizza Oven came with many accessories like:


A Newair dustproof camp cover and a pizza peel that make it easy to move your raw pizza onto a ceramic pizza stone that is blistering hot. When your oven is not in use, the dustproof camp cover is ideal since it keeps dust from building up on your lovely oven.

There’s also a 12” ceramic pizza stone, and a door baffle which serves to retain heat during preheating your oven. There is some easy assembly required for both the pizza peel and door baffle, it’s as easy as one, two, three, to assemble.


Convenience is the design of the temperature control dial, which is now situated in the back of the pizza oven. You are free to focus your energies on creating the ideal pizza because there are no complicated presets or control settings.

It’s time to set up our pizza oven for baking, but before you do anything, be sure to give the interior a quick wipe with a damp cloth and allow it to air dry.  Place your 12” ceramic pizza stone inside and add your door baffle.


Then, set the oven temperature to the desired setting for pre-heating (15 minutes). Before long, your oven is hot, the temperature Ranges between 200°F ~ 900°F, so be careful when using this oven.

Place your handmade pizza onto the pizza peel, then slide the uncooked pizza into the oven. You will see some smoke being release but no worries that is all due to this oven being turned on due for the first time.

Having the ability to see your pizza cook in this fantastic oven was very interesting. The kids and I did nothing but watch while it cooked.

To ensure that our temperature was high enough to bake our pizza, it took us a few dial turns. Before long it was cooked, I mean really cooked…LOL LOL The only thing I would advise right now is to make sure you have your pizza peel on hand and to carefully slip it under your pizza to remove it, as your pizza will burn if you don’t.

It was a little crispy…okay burnt on the sides but we made more pizzas the next day and they were just fine and good. Just make sure your oven is at the proper temperature and that you have a pizza peel ready to collect your finished pizza. There is no manual to provide you with cooking timings; instead, you will need to observe your meal or adjust the cooking time to suit your baking method. This is how it was supposed to look LOL, as I stated make sure you have your pizza peel ready because I didn’t. Plus, I just couldn’t grab my pizza correctly with the peel. Practice makes perfect pizza!!

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Again, this Newair 12” Portable Electric Indoor and Outdoor Pizza Oven with Accessory Kit (Model: NPOE12BK00) gets hot so use caution when using this oven and make sure it has the proper ventilation space.

I will say it is a great investment for your family and I like that can be used indoor and outdoor. You have all the accessories you need to start baking, easy setup and transporting, Newair dustproof camp cover, heating elements that boast a power rating of 1850W and are engineered to evenly distribute heat throughout the oven.

There’s also an exclusive one-year warranty on your pizza oven.

Thus, there’s no need to search any further for a new pizza oven kitchen appliance, whether indoor or outdoor. Your kitchen would benefit greatly from the addition of the Newair 12″ Portable Electric Indoor and Outdoor Pizza Oven with Accessory Kit (Model: NPOE12BK00).

Remember Christmas is quickly approaching, so if you’re searching for something that you think the whole family will enjoy, check out this fantastic gift idea Newair 12″ Portable Electric Indoor and Outdoor Pizza Oven with Accessory Kit.



Newair has also created a 10% discount code: NIGHT_10


Don’t forget to connect with them via social media: FacebookTwitterInstagram| and Pinterest to keep up with the latest about all products.



Disclosure: We were not compensated for this post. However, we did receive a product from the company, and I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

33 thoughts on “Newair 12” Portable Electric Indoor and Outdoor Pizza Oven with Accessory Kit Model: NPOE12BK00

  • Um, this is the thing I never knew existed. But now I want one!!

  • Pingback: Enter To Win A Newair 12” Portable Electric Indoor and Outdoor Pizza Oven

  • This is cool, we don’t have this but will keep this in mind in case we use it. Thank you for sharing@

  • I’ve been on the lookout for a reliable pizza oven, and stumbling upon the Newair 12 Portable Electric Pizza Oven has me excited! There’s a unique joy in crafting homemade pizzas with the kids, and this oven seems perfect for those family pizza-making sessions.

  • I was wondering if we should get a pizza oven for our backyard. It seems like it would be really fun to have.

  • The information you provided is beneficial. Thanks for sharing it with me. I will definitely add this portable pizza oven to my kitchen!

  • This looks so cool. I’d love to have one for my house. Homemade pizza will be so good compared to the frozen stuff.

  • Having access to a portable pizza oven sounds fantastic! I bet it would be great to throw in the mix and make a pizza instead of just grilling outside.

  • This looks so cool! It would be nice to use this instead of the traditional oven. Sounds like it is a great way to cook pizza.

  • My favorite meal is pizza. I need this oven as it looks like a great way to make pizza.

  • That looks like an awesome pizza oven. I have been wanting to get one too. I sure will be checking out this one.

  • We need this! We have been wanting a pizza oven since we eat a lot of pizza here. I’m glad it works well.

  • This is just beautiful. Our own pizza maker? My daughter and I love pizza. This would save me a lot of money, that’s for sure.

  • this looks so good.. i recall looking at one of these pizza ovens earlier but was not sure of how they might work.. your review tells me it might be worth it..

  • My younget neice loves baking pizza and I guess this woven is gonna do wonders. I like the review and will check if we have it here.

    • Do you have it, Moni? I have an older one that’s not too good. So I end up baking at 450 with a pizza stone in the oven.

  • For some reason, I am craving pizza! I have always wanted a pizza oven, maybe I need to check some of these out!

  • This is so cool and will keep my middle teen from saying, “MOM You burnt my pizza again” his 17 year old butt can use this machine LOL I love it.

    • LOL, sounds just like my daughter when I burnt this one…lol

  • Oh this is awesome! Such a great gift idea and something the whole family will love and use!

  • I’ve had my eye on these pizza ovens, so this review was super helpful in narrowing my choices. Thanks for the great tips and real-world look at how it worked for you and your family!

  • I have been wanting to get a pizza oven for a while now! I will definitely check this one out.

  • This pizza oven would really up my pizza making game. It sounds like it would be fun to use!

  • My loving heart is doing a happy dance! The details and accessory kit are giving me major pizza party goals.

  • Whew! I really want this oven. My weekends are such a bore without pizza and who will need to drive at least 30 kilometres, just to get pizza?

  • This would be very cool to have. It would become an item the entire family would use. Going on my list of wants

  • The fact that it’s versatile for both indoor and outdoor use is a game-changer. Now, I’m seriously considering this as a fantastic Christmas gift for the family!

  • Thanks a lot for the review and it looks like a great product and very easy to use! Would love to have my hands on it later and make some pizzas. 🙂

    – knycx journeying

  • This sounds like a great product. Would certainly take my pizza-making skills to a whole new level.

  • The Newair 12” Portable Electric Indoor and Outdoor Pizza Oven with Accessory Kit is perfect for my son and his new wife.


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