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Netflix Launches new #NetflixFamiles area….its in time for Summer!

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Netflix. unnamed (1)

WOOHOO, gotta love Neflix…we do!  Remember this past May when we shared with you about Neflix launching their new area of movies “Just For Your Kids“. Well move over kids Netflix has just launched another area that’s for the whole family called “NetflixFamiles“. The great thing about NetflixFamiles is this page is available for members and non members so everyone can be entertained. They guarantee hours and hours of great movies for everyone know matter what age you are, they even have great movies for older folks like me. Just the other day me and my hubby watched “The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance“.

One thing about Netflix that we all love is you can stream from any of your electronics, TV, iPod, iPads, Computers and many other gadgets and don’t worry there are No Commercials to interrupt you. Netflix has so many TV shows and movies that you and the whole family can enjoy anywhere, anytime no matter if your traveling, visiting family & friends or on vacation Netflix is accessible. Streaming movies and TV shows has never been easier.

Since the kids are out for summer it appears to get harder each year to keeping them entertained but one solution I know for sure in entertaining the kids is streaming great movies from Netflix.

The debate of what we will watch for that day gets so crazy because everyone has their favorite movie they like to watch off Netflix so we do what we call a  Family Neflix Coin Toss, since it was 6 of us each person  will toss a quarter. You can only get tails and if three people get tails they select the movie and it has to be a family movie we have never seen before. Well last night all of the girls won…woohoo. We chose to stream from our 3M Projector off the wall, we selected the movie “HOODWINK TWO“… HOOD verses EVIL”

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It was a very entertaining and it kept the kids quiet the whole time. #NeflixFamiles section comes right on time for us mom’s this summer So remember Netflix.com/Families features several new categories including Family Movie Night, Are We There Yet and great TV shows for Curious Kids.


Netflix.com/Families is a new destination designed to meet your family’s summertime entertainment needs. On Netflix.com/Families, parents can find lists of movies and TV shows for all kinds of special summer moments. Visit www.Netflix.com/Families for more information on the best ways to stream as well as videos from families using Netflix     This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Netflix.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

36 thoughts on “Netflix Launches new #NetflixFamiles area….its in time for Summer!

  • I never been a big fan of Netflix. I’m becoming open minded though.

  • We have streaming through our Wii for a few years now.

  • I love, love, love Netflix! I resubscribed a few months ago and my daughter and grandsons are having a blast in the kids section, there is so much to watch!

  • We already have Netflix. We use it all the time on our Ipads.

  • cool, sounds great.

  • Netflix launched a great site for families to watch kid friendly shows all summer. Netflix is a great company that cares about their customers. This is a great service!

  • We don’t have cable so use NetFlix for our tv fix. We love it.

  • I’m thinking about doing Netflix over cable, at these I can pick what is good:)

  • That would keep us entertained

  • About time they added good show!!

  • That’s awesome. I love Netflix! I love the Just For Kids option and will check out the NetflixFamilies.

  • I have streaming and just love it! I save a small fortune from cable.

  • I owe just about all the work I’m able to get done around the house to Netflix! They’re a life saver!!

  • We’ve been with Netflix for years. Love that the streaming is commercial free too.

  • We love Netflix!! My son watches Fireman Sam on there all the time.

  • I have used Netflixs in the past as well… but I’ve been without for a little bit…

  • We use to use Netflix a lot, not sure why we gave it up love the convenience!

  • That is such a great deal!

  • I used to have Netflix but haven’t had it for a while.

  • I am a huge netflix fan. Good price and good service. I like to stream also on my computer and watch movies.

  • That’s really cool that they have a family section now. Every Saturday night we normally watch a Netflix movie but have to search to find one that is appropriate for the whole family. We will check this out on Sat.!

  • Netflix rocks, we love what they offer

  • Wow, I didn’t know you could also stream tv shows. There are so many times that there are two shows on at once, so this would be awesome.

  • weve used netflix for years

  • When they first started I wasn’t all that impressed but after hearing great things from family and friends I’m thinking seriously of signing up myself.

  • Our whole family loves Netflix! I haven’t seen the new families page yet, I’ll be sure to check it out!

  • We are big Netflix fans. It has definitely saved us with the kids on a few rainy days.

  • I am a huge Netflix fan! We have been using Netflix for years. WE receive 1 movie at a time, and I have the streaming!

  • We are a Netfilix family!!!

  • My boys love finding something to watch on Netflix. I’m liking the new Families page, too.


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