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Navigating Your Options When You’re Unexpectedly Pregnant.

Even when you’re taking precautions to prevent pregnancy, you can have accidents. Finding out that you’re unexpectedly pregnant can a huge shock. You might not be sure how to feel or what you want to do about it. The prospect of having a baby can seem terrifying, but your other options aren’t easy either. You have a tough decision to make, and if you want to consider abortion, you’re on a deadline. The pressure to decide can make everything worse and cause the stress to get to you. Some people can make a decision straight away. But if you’re conflicted, here’s what you should do.


By Elizabeth Cooper

 Think About Who to Tell

Pregnancy, whether you’re going to continue with it or not, is not something to deal with alone. You should have someone you can confide in and who can support you in your decision. Ideally, you can tell the father of the baby so that you can go through everything together. You might already have spoken about what to do if this issue ever arose. So perhaps it’s a case of following the plan you both decided on. However, it’s important to remember that while you can ask for their input, the final decision is yours to make.

If there’s no father in the picture, you should think about who else you can talk to. You might have a trusted friend, sibling, or parent who can support you. Think about who will support you in your decision, no matter what it is you choose to do. Of course, you can’t always know how someone will react. But you probably have a good idea about who will be there for you and who might not be as supportive.

Gather Information About Abortion

Before you make a decision, you should make an effort to understand all your options. Having an abortion is by no means easy, but it can ultimately be the best choice for many. Before you decide if it’s right for you, you need to find information about it from reliable sources. Firstly, it’s important to understand the laws and regulations surrounding abortion where you live. You should find out how you can access one and up to how many weeks pregnant you can be to have one. Look up the cost, and the nearest place where you would be able to have an abortion. It’s also important to understand the mechanics of different types of abortion. You should be aware of the emotional impact of abortion too, and how you can prepare yourself to deal with it.


By The Blue Diamond Gallery

 Consider If Adoption Is Right for You

 If you don’t think you could have an abortion, but you can’t keep the baby, you might consider adoption. Some women might find this a better option. Others don’t want to go through with the pregnancy only to give up their baby. You can find lots of information on giving a baby up for adoption, the positives and negatives, and how it works. Many birth mothers want to be involved in choosing a family for the baby. Using this method, they can feel more comfortable that the child is going to a loving family. You can also decide between a closed adoption or an open adoption. In a closed adoption, you won’t have any contact with the family or child. An open adoption could mean that the adoptive parents send you updates or even allow you to have contact with the child.


By pedroserapio

 Understand the Realities of Keeping the Baby

You might also be thinking about keeping the baby. Perhaps you even decided right away that it was the right choice for you. Before you decide for sure, make sure you understand how having a child is going to affect your life. Consider the financial burden and whether you are prepared to manage it. Who is in your support system and how can they help you? You might be planning to parent with the father of the baby, whether or not you are a couple. You need to think about how you’re going to parent together and what your responsibilities will be.  Another option could be that the father wants to raise the child alone. In this situation, you will be required to pay child support. Custody issues are important to consider, and so is how a baby will change your future.


It’s important to assess your options when you’re trying to make a decision about a pregnancy. Whatever you choose to do, make sure you have someone to support you.


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