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National Share a Story Month.

Let’s be honest. Kids love story telling, no matter what age they are. That’s why National Share-a-Story Month was created – everyone has a favorite book or story to tell, and this month’s the month to help little ones share their love of literature with others.

Organized by the Federation of Children’s Book Groups, National Share a Story Month was established in 1965 with the aim to promote children’s interest in books and reading, getting involved with libraries, schools and playgroups. So it’s time to enjoy some good old-fashioned story telling this May!

By listening and telling stories, not only can you help improve a little one’s language skills, you’ll also help them develop communication and social skills, and build confidence in their own thoughts and imagination.

Here are some things you can do this month to encourage story telling…

Read a bedtime story

It’s no secret that most kids adore being read to. Not only do they love listening to the story, they also enjoy curling up and spending quality time with you, without disturbances. Even taking 10 minutes or more out of your hectic day can help your little one with their literacy, not to mention highlight the fact you enjoy spending time with them. What a lovely thought before going to sleep!

Share your favorite childhood stories

Hark back to when you were a wee one… what was your favorite book? Which one had the biggest impact on you? Surely you remember The Very Hungry Caterpillar or Where the Wild Things Are? It might be something completely new to your child or it may well be a book they’re fond of too. Instead of reading it word-for-word, tell it from memory and have some fun making it exhilarating, comical, sad or interesting.

What are your child’s favorites?

Like you, most kiddies have at least one book that will have made an impression on them, whether it was one story or several, involving the same character – or even a non-fiction title. Talk about what makes the book so special and why they like it. Not only will this encourage your little one to think about books more analytically, it’ll help them form their own opinions.

Get down to the library

Perhaps one of the best ways of getting your ickle one reading is by visiting your local library. Filled with the latest bestsellers as well as old-time favorites, you don’t have to pay a penny to borrow a book. Numerous libraries have special children’s sections, with regular story times and music sessions. That means you can sit and relax without worrying about making too much noise. The only hard part will be when it’s time to leave!

Make up your own story

Many moons ago, books were non-existent. Even if they had existed, people couldn’t read. Instead they gathered to listen to storytellers for amusement. Nowadays, nothing goes down better than a ghost story around a campfire or listening to a stand-up comedian talk about their life – so why not create your own tale? If your child can talk, get them involved too. It’s much more interactive than solitary reading and is a fun way of passing time when traveling or on rainy days. Write your story down and get your little one drawing pictures or sticking in photos.

Susie Davids not only writes children’s books but also works at personalized gift company GoneDigging.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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