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Memorial Day spring clean – top tips

Memorial Day is fast approaching which may mean you’re turning your attention to clearing out the cobwebs and giving your house a good spring clean. Throw open the windows and get your house summer ready. The satisfaction from all that scrubbing, dusting, washing is sure to allow you a good night’s sleep, but what about what you’re sleeping on? Have you remembered to spring clean your mattress?

All mattresses will benefit from regular cleaning; mattresses can contain the largest amount of allergens in your home! From dead skin cells to dust mites, molds, bacteria and viruses, your mattress can have them all. An unpleasant thought for anyone, but if you suffer from allergies it could be stopping you from getting a good night’s sleep. Regular mattress cleaning will help solve this and it’s an easy process. So, how do you go about cleaning a mattress?

  1.     Strip off all the bedding including any mattress covers and wash on a hot wash. For extra cleanliness, you can add a cup of white vinegar to the wash which will leave your sheets soft and remove any odors.

2.    Sprinkle baking soda onto the mattress and leave for at least 30 minutes, then vacuum the soda away and with it any odors. If the weather permits, you can take the mattress outside, stand it on its side and give it a good bash!

This will get rid of any dust, dead skin cells, fluff and also those dreaded dust mites. Leave the mattress in the sun for a few hours to air, not forgetting to turn to air both sides.

Simple! Two easy steps to ensure you will sleep cleanly and comfortably. Remember to make sure your mattress is completely dry before putting the bedding back on. Damp will encourage molds and mildew to form and the same applies to bedding. Make sure all your sheets are completely dry before making up the bed.

In order to maintain your mattress’ cleanliness, vacuum it every few months. If your mattress requires it, flip it twice a year. It’s recommended to use a mattress cover which can be removed and washed with the sheets. If you have children, a waterproof cover will protect the mattress from nighttime accidents. Remember to strip the beds to air them when you go away and keep your bedroom vacuumed and dusted to keep dust to a minimum.

There is another option that will save you from the mattress spring clean this year. Memorial Day is a great time for sale shopping, so if your mattress has seen better days, now is the best time to start looking for a replacement. The memorial day bed sales offer big savings so you can be sure to pick up a new mattress for less than full price. Just don’t forget the tips to keep your mattress clean, you’ll benefit from a healthier better night’s sleep.



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