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Health & Fitness

Meditation Online Brings a Mix of Methods and Instructor via Glo

Meditation is the art of being able to quiet the mind, relax the body, and control the breath. These things are not always easy, and some days are harder than others, but with a little practice, anyone can benefit from meditation. The benefits include feeling mentally better, lower blood pressure, and less muscle tension. There are many ways to meditate.

A company called Glo knows that this practice is a powerful tool when done regularly. Glo found a way to make meditation easier by creating online classes. Individuals can access the material with their phone or laptop at any time of the day or night. Meditation online offered by Glo can be streamed to iPhones, Androids, and tablets. To make it even more convenient, Glo formatted the meditation online courses so that you can download them to your device and listen to them even when you are not connected to the internet. This is a great feature to use if you want to meditate in a quiet place, such as the beach or a mountaintop, where there is no cell phone service. Using Glo’s meditation online course, you can learn:

Inner Peace

Glo and a seasoned yogi teacher created a blissful and peace-focused meditation. Anyone can use the course, but beginners may especially enjoy it. It is classified as a level one. With this course, you will get the opportunity to relax and breathe. This meditation can be used after a stress-filled day at the office or a long day spent running around with the family. The yogi instructor will help you engage all five of your senses to make the experience real. In five minutes, you will be centered, relaxed, and feel a steady peace.

Let Be

Meditation online can cover releasing techniques too, and Glo created this class so individuals could sit and be with themselves and their lives. There is no need to always be thinking ahead or going over the past. This meditation allows you just to be, and what a relief it is. With focused breaths, this instructor will teach you to accept life without harsh judgment. The instructor, Mr. Rhodes, has been a teacher and director of yoga classes and schools for a decade. The online course is subtle. Advanced students will flow effortlessly into it. Of course, new meditators can try anything in Glo’s system. To make it easy for new students, Glo offers a 15-day trial period to freely experiment and try out the 1,000s of courses, which cover meditation as well as yoga.

Mantra Meditations

Glo’s meditation online courses run from five to 30 minutes. If you can set 15 minutes a side, you can practice the heart mantra meditation. This teacher will help you learn a specific breathing method to let go. As you breathe, you will begin a mantra inside of your mind. Ms. Miller is the instructor, and she focuses on blending the mind and heart. Life becomes different when the two work together instead of pulling at each other. Miller brings to Glo over 20 years of experience, and it shows in her peaceful meditation practice.

Glo is an online business focused on bringing the benefits of meditation and yoga to the world. They figured the best way to get their message out to the public was by creating classes for all levels of practitioners to use, and they could access the courses through their cell phone, tablet, or computer. The company’s goal was to make it easy and convenient, which they have done so successfully. Their business is a subscription company that offers quality materials created by passionate instructors.


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