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Make Spring Break Travel Safe and Fun with BuddyPhones

Spring Break and traveling can lead to frayed nerves.  Keep your kids busy and their ears safe with BuddyPhones! These headphones are designed specially for kids, with their safety being the first priority. They are also fun to use, comfortable and stylish.

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About BuddyPhones

BuddyPhones are Awesome Headphones for Little Ears

Kid-Safe · Kid-Proof · Kid-Friendly

BuddyPhones are tailor-made especially for children and inherent in our D.N.A. are these three qualities – they will always be kid-safe, kid-proof and kid-friendly. Building on this foundation, we designed all our BuddyPhones to be the toughest, safest sound solution available for children. Our volume-limiting headphones are made to withstand long days of playing, exploring and studying while providing you the peace of mind without having to worry about their safety.

BuddyPhones are Awesome Headphones for Little Ears

Limit The Volume, Not The Quality.

BuddyPhones use a built-in, always on, sound control circuit to cap the volume at levels recommended for children by the World Health Organization. Coupled with our patented passive noise reduction, BuddyPhones block out much of the background noise so kids don’t feel the need to turn up the volume and you don’t need to monitor their listening habits.

BuddyPhones are Awesome Headphones for Little Ears

Safety First.

In addition to our patented passive noise reduction that blocks out much of the background noise so kids don’t have to turn up the volume, we only use BPA-, PVC-, and phthalate-free materials, which means we eliminate any exposure to harmful plastics that are known to cause illnesses. The cushion and headband are covered in hypoallergenic leather to accommodate kids’ sensitive skin and are easy to clean.

BuddyPhones are Awesome Headphones for Little Ears

Make It Their Own.

Most BuddyPhones come with fun, colorful stickers sets that allow kids to be creative and decorate their own headphones. By personalizing them, your kids won’t tire of their headphones as they might with other gadgets, meaning they’re more likely to see regular usage.

BuddyPhones are Awesome Headphones for Little EarsLearn more about the workings or BuddyPhones HERE.

FYI – We aren’t taking a Spring Break this year, but let me tell you a bit about our house. It’s a busy noisy place. Dogs are often barking.  Chickens are “knocking” at the back door, wanting to come in.  Music is playing and someone is usually watching TV.  Until the last week or so, I was working smack dab in the middle of all the chaos, so I would be wearing headphone most of the time. Of course, my 17 month old grandson was fascinated by them, and wanted them for himself. Well, that didn’t always go over well.  First, they are expensive. Second, I really need them when I’m on a deadline, and need to block out the family noise so I can concentrate.  Third…which is most important of all, grown up headphones aren’t safe for delicate little ears..now, my little guy isn’t all about the extras at his age, he’s just about MINE…and I’m happy to oblige. Thanks to BuddyPhones, he now his own headphones.  He’s happy, I’m happy, and all’s right with the world.

BuddyPhones are Awesome Headphones for Little Ears

Learn More, Follow and Shop BuddyPhones: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube

Disclosure: Howdy everyone, I wanted to inform you that I was not compensated for this post. However, I did receive a product from the company below and the opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guideline.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

2 thoughts on “Make Spring Break Travel Safe and Fun with BuddyPhones

  • These headphones have really cute designs and colors. I love that they are volume-limiting for little ears. These would be great for a road trip, and also great for computer lab t school.

  • The colors and style of these headphones are wonderful. I do like that they are volume safe for children.


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