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Beauty & Fashion

Lugz New Gravel HI, a boot your man will love!

Disclosure:  I was not compensated for this post. However, I did receive a product from the company above and the opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines.


My husband has worn many brands of shoes and boots but if you ask him which brands he really like?  He would definitely have Lugz on his list! He’s been a Lugz fan for many years and have never ever complained about the style or the function of their shoes or boots. He will tell you in a minute that when his friends ask about boots or shoes he’s always recommending them to purchase a pair of Lugz!

So if you’re seeking to find a good boot for your man, a boot that can withstand to last through normal wear and tear then check out these boots from Lugz! No matter what your husbands job description maybe if he’s in need of a good, supportive, slip resistant, memory foam inserted comfortable boot, then the Gravel boot below is just what the foot doctor would order for him!


This boot will even last through all seasons, I hear you asking how do I know this? Well, my boys have the Drifters boots which is actually almost the same boot with the same features! My Boys feet have been protected, supported, weathered through the tough elements of the weather and much more with the Drifters and still are being worn even today.

So that’s how I know these Gravel Lugz boots will be great for that teen or man in your life!


The Lugz Gravel boot comes with a Flexastride memory comfort insole (which is a wonderful addition to this shoe), a Padded tongue & collar, Thermabuck upper, and the sole has been Marked II tested slip resistant rubber sole and let’s not forget the easy lace up.


With the way Lugz created these boots your man will surely weep the benefit of a good boot that is both stylish and functional. Now that we are officially in the Fall Season this boot will be perfect for your man. Just take a moment to visit Lugz so you can see this boot and many other boots/shoes. The Gravel boot is also available in three colors , Black, Golden Wheat/ Cream/ Gum, and Oxblood/ Cream below.


Keep in mind too that these boots will be awesome for when your teen son/dad goes hiking in the woods.

Psst ladies, you didn’t think Lugz forgot about us did you? Lugz has some new arrivals just for you and I and they come in many styles and colors so check them out on their website too!

Look how cool their new Grotto Ballistic boots are:


Omg, I love the color and of course the style of these boots are pretty sharp too. The Grotto Ballistic is a functional and stylish alpine boot. This boot features a slip resistant sole, speed hooks and a cushioned insole for added comfort.

So ladies, there is no way you wouldn’t want to grab a pair of boots for you or your daughter. Just take a look around the website, order and wait for them to be delivered right to your door.



Don’t forget to follow Lugz via website | Facebook | Twitter |, and Pinterest.




Disclosure:  I was not compensated for this post. However, I did receive a product from the company above and the opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines.


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