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Health & Fitness

Losing weight – what hormones prevent to lose excess weight?

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It often happens that by changing the style of life and nutrition, a person can easily lose weight. But it doesn’t work this way for everyone. Learn what hormones prevent you from losing excess weight.

Losing weight

Probably everyone heard that only 3% of those who lost weight can maintain a new weight. The reason for this is either they stop exercising and following the daily routine, or the consumption of certain drugs that contain hormones, which prevent from losing weight.

Even those people who seriously approach the issue of how to lose weight, do everything right, eat properly, consuming only healthy products, and do sports, cannot lose weight. Let’s see what’s stopping them.


Of course, insulin plays an important role in stopping you from losing weight. With an excess of insulin, it is almost impossible to lose weight. How to deal with it? The simplest way is to keep a ketogenic diet. There are also dietary supplements, medicines, and starvation, but this is already a different level, which most people do not need.

Insulin is also referred to as a master hormone. This means that if it is elevated in the blood for a long time and too often, it can also unbalance other hormones.


Cortisol is a stress hormone. Our ancestors from the Stone Age had no problems with cortisol even though that could experience more serious stress like escaping from the tiger or hide from natural disasters. However, such stress was always short-lived and therefore not dangerous.

But today we can sit in front of a computer all day and be always nervous because of a bad boss, a small salary, disobedient children, conflicts with neighbors, etc.

Cortisol helps increase blood sugar and, as a consequence, insulin, because it has a catabolic effect – it destroys our muscles and turns proteins from them into glucose through gluconeogenesis. In addition, cortisol negatively affects the thyroid gland. What to do with it?

Well, it seems like everything is clear. If possible, remove stressors, actively look for ways to relax, for example, walk outside. Take a walk to the park or forest. Breathe in fresh air, go to massage, do yoga, meditate, or simply do anything that can definitely help you relax. It is also important to properly exercise and sleep enough in order to get rid of stress. Find out how to exercise properly on the essay editing service.


In general, estrogen, like other hormones, is important and necessary, especially for a woman. However, we not talking about balance.

Estrogen works in tandem with progesterone, they are in balance with each other. At the end of the menstrual cycle, the level of estrogen falls, while the level of progesterone rises, and ideally, they should have the correct ratio. Often it happens that we have too much estrogen in comparison to progesterone. This is called estrogenic dominance.

You most likely have estrogenic dominance, if you suffer from painful and profuse periods, or if your fat reserves concentrate mainly around the hips, legs, lower abdomen. The signs that men suffer from estrogenic dominance include having large stomachs. In men, with estrogen excess, the level of testosterone also falls, as a consequence, they lose muscle mass (however, this also applies to women).

The level of estrogen is affected by insulin, phytoestrogens (so if you still eat soy, think about it again properly), and alcohol.

What should you do? Again, keep a ketogenic diet as it helps solve many problems. Cholesterol is needed for the hormonal balance. It supplies the building material for the production of hormones and if supplied in normal quantities, this may be enough for the balance. Keep in mind that ketogenic diet and insulin disturbs the balance.

It is also recommended to eat more cruciferous vegetables (or drink an appropriate suppository). However, it is necessary to be more careful for those who have problems with the thyroid gland. Don’t eat too many such vegetables. You also need to minimize the consumption of alcohol.

Thyroid hormone

Thyroid hormone is the main head of our metabolism. It acts like a stoker, who throws the firewood into the stove, thereby controlling the force of fire. The level of your triiodothyronine (T3) is easy to identify in the laboratory. It is more difficult to find the cause if its level is insufficient. If this is not an autoimmune disease, then it makes sense to examine all the hormones described above – all of them can negatively affect the thyroid gland.

Cortisol increases the conversion of T4 to the reversible T3 instead of the free T3 and blocks the receptors of the cells, leading to the development of hypothyroidism. Thus, making you gain more fat.

Excess estrogen competes with T3 for receptors in cells, which also makes you gain more weight.

If you cannot lose weight because of hormones and try to lose weight simply by limiting calories, you’re causing stress for your body, to which it responds by increasing the reversible T3 and, accordingly, slowing down the metabolism.

As a result, you fall into a vicious circle, when, even if you lost weight by some miracle, you need to eat less and less, so as not to return to the former weight. However, if you continue to eat empty carbohydrates, you are more and more lacking nutrients (such as iron). Because of the lack of nutrients, something else is being unbalanced. And this is a road to nowhere.


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