Health & Fitness

Kratom and Depression. What’s the Connection?

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Kratom is a green leafy herb of the Rubiaceae family consumed mainly for stimulation and sedation. Kratom exists in different forms that suit the user’s preference: capsules, kratom powder in a tea, and regular injections are some of the ways to use kratom. Consumption of small kratom portions makes one feel energetic and alert; users may become talkative and friendly. Also, Sumatra Kratom acts on pain, anxiety, and other chronic disorders like depression. 

Depression makes one feel low and moody; adverse physical and mental effects like migraine, fatigue, and psychosis may also occur. The leading causes of depression include genetic factors, childhood trauma, pressure from work, school, or family. At such times, a state of desperation exists, and one might opt for hazardous ways to cure depression. This should not be the case anymore, as kratom provides a wholesome alternative to treat depression and the symptoms that come with it.

 It is not a crime to use other antidepressants, but they are risky and may have side effects such as headaches and sleeplessness. On the other hand, kratom offers a natural and safe alternative. Here are some of the magnificent ways that kratom helps in managing depression.

Kratom kills anxiety

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A feeling of worry, nervousness, and unease surrounds depression which, when ignored, leads to loss of control and drug addiction. Therefore, it is prudent to treat anxiety, and kratom works magic. It enhances mood, increases focus, and causes sedation. The mechanism is simple: mitragynine, the main compound in kratom, interacts with brain receptors to decrease cortisol secretion. Cortisol is the primary anxiety hormone, and an increase in its levels causes irritability, sweating, worry, and sadness; this is the onset of an anxiety attack.

In a study, zebrafish were exposed to stress and treated with mitragynine. The result was a relief of stress-related behaviors and regained regular swimming patterns. Cortisol, the primary anxiety hormone, is reduced significantly by mitragynine. This result shows that kratom elements relieve stress, and therefore to curb anxiety, the gateway to depression, you should consider using kratom.

Boosts Mood

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Frequent mood changes occur in depression, and the long-term effects may be fatal. What controls mood? Serotonin is the major neurotransmitter that regulates mood. Mitragynine alkaloid elevates serotonin blood levels by interacting with receptors in the brain to convey excitatory signals between the brain nerve cells. Kratom, therefore, eases mental and physical tension, uplifts mood, and promotes a feeling of satisfaction, optimism, contentment, and bliss.

Also, kratom targets the central raphe nuclei that contain numerous serotonergic cells, thus increasing secretion. In a study with mice, there was an indication that kratom administration showed positive results in FST, a test used to detect depression, proving that kratom has antidepressant actions.

Treat Insomnia in Depression.


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Irregular sleep cycles accompanied majorly by sleepless nights are a result of depression. Sleeplessness results from low melatonin levels and may affect our day-to-day activities. Kratom triggers the secretion of serotonin, a melatonin precursor, consequently increasing blood melatonin. Therefore, regular kratom use serves to balance the sleep-wake cycle.


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Fatigue can result from mental and physical triggers; it might be trauma or depression, and one might not go about their daily duties. A solution exists as kratom lifts the mental fog by increasing acetylcholine production that boosts mental energy. The result is higher alertness and concentration, through a feedforward mechanism: users also feel active and energetic. 

At low doses, kratom elements are mainly stimulating to provide the body with immense energy that lasts throughout the day. The kick in mental and physical energy alleviates the sadness in depression.

Pain Relief

Pain and depression have a perfect correlation, and if kratom can relieve the pain, the curbing depression is within reach. Chronic pain associated with persistent health conditions like cardiovascular disease and arthritis may lead to mental disturbances and predispose one to depression. On the other hand, headaches, muscle aches, and general body discomfort may occur if you are undergoing despair.

So, regular kratom use is beneficial thanks to the analgesic properties of mitragynine. Mitragynine binds receptors like kappa, delta, and mu, which trigger the release of endorphins that regulate pain intensity. Depending on the level of pain, the dose should be gradual. Above 5g, the analgesic effect becomes stronger, and one experiences sedation. But, very high doses are not healthy as intense euphoria and psychosis may result.


Prefer best kratom strains for depression that helps to manage depression and any other symptoms that surround it. Also, it relieves the body from the discomfort that results from hormones discharged due to depression. After a kratom use, one feels alive and energetic because its alkaloids stimulate the nerve cells in the brain, enhancing mood and mental performance.

Kratom proves to be a wholesome antidepressant compared to synthetic medications. Moreover, it is a natural product thus is free from additives that might harm our health. But, it would be best if you took kratom carefully to avoid experiencing certain side effects like nausea, loss of muscle coordination, irritability, and constipation.



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