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Kids and Electronics, are they taking our kids over?

The effects on children’s electronic media has risen to an all time high. With all the new media we have today, (TV,Movies, Games, Internet and others) its just so many ways for our children to be drawn into the world of electronics.

Kids are much smarter now then when my first child was born. They had these wonderful gadgets but nothing like they have today. Gadgets that keep children occupied for hours and hours. Even though many of these electronic media gadgets can provide education and entertaining I still say there should be a limit as to how often your children involve themselves in all of those electronics.

You have to remember that children still need to go back to the basic things in life. Many Pediatricians find that when your children take up most of their time with media outlets it can cause negative effects on your child.

The best way to avoid any negative effects is to limit the amount of time your child interacts with these devices and make sure everything is age appropriate. Take them back to the basics, interacting with others without all the devices.get involved with outdoor activities, monitor, monitor, monitor your children, enforce limits.

Set an example too, as a parent limited your usage also. Don’t be texting and talking to children all at the same time. Give them your full attention. The most imporatnt thing is to talk to your children daily.

Interact with fun activities and family time. This will help reduce the number of hours our children spends on electronics!


So unplug those gadgets and spend some good quality time with the kids and family.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

11 thoughts on “Kids and Electronics, are they taking our kids over?

  • Technology and its use in the home is a very fine line that needs to be walked carefully. We limit the time on the ipad and such with an app timer. it really helps everyone stay accountable.

  • I think you’re spot on! There’s a place for technology in learning, but I believe it’s just another tool. It may not always be the most effective tool, depending on the situation. It IS important for kids to get outdoors and experience the real world.

  • My son is very much into his electronics and is also into learning how things work, how t create his own video games, and whatnot. My daughter is more of the hands-on kid; she loves to play tea party, play with her dolls. build things. I think it has more to do with personality than the ‘takeover” of electronics.

  • wow, I totally agree… I am so worried about my kids, yet I haven’t done anything about it. I am ruled by my computer and each of my kids have their devices… thanks for the post

  • I know what you mean. We are trying to keep that fine like with our kids. I like that they are smarter but I am careful of the things I let them watch and interact with because I don’t want them to have smart mouths.

  • You’re right about giving children our full attention.
    My son sees my iPhone in my hands all day long and it makes him want to play games or watch YouTube on it.
    On the flip side, with so many kids learning through apps I feel a lot of pressure to get him a tablet or learning device of his own.

  • You are so right on with this post. I’m a total bad role model with the amount of time I’m on the computer so I need to make that a priority. Thanks for the reminder!

  • We do have to be careful with how much we let them be on electronics. My 3 year old loves the iPad, but we do limit his time on it.

  • Oh do I agree. My son at 3 knew how to get to Angry birds. It’s too much so limit the time he plays video / apps. I prefer Legos & trucks & cars

  • My third grader has homework that requires his to do an online program for an hour each night. I had to go talk to the teacher because they aren’t allowed online for that long each day AND he is a “computer kid” so his punishments mean he loses access completely. I insisted on paper homework for him. I want him to be savvy and capable, but to me, they still need to actually WRITE with pencils too!

  • I tend to agree with this article–what ever happened to just going outside and playing catch or playing house with your friends and dolls? Human interaction is just as important as learning electronics if not more so when you finally hit the job market!


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