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How to protect your fish pond from predatory wildlife

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Unless you are taking proper safety precautions to keep your fish pond safe, it is not exactly a haven. Predators can attack the pond and make your fish feel unsafe or even kill them. Your fish should show some signs if they are being attacked by predatory wildlife. They may become scared to feed. This is one of the first signs they will give. If your pond is attracting wildlife, go to virginiaprofessionalwildliferemovalservices.com for professional wildlife removal services.

Predatory wildlife that could attack your pond

Wildlife critters that visit fish ponds do so to make a quick lunch or dinner out of the fish. The common culprits are raccoons, beavers, and foxes. If these animals frequent your area, then your pond is, particularly in danger. Learn about different types of wildlife here.

Birds could also be predators of fish. A major bird predator of fish is the blue heron. The blue heron is especially efficient at making a quick meal out of fish. They are particularly attracted to brightly colored fish. Birds like egrets, kingfishers, and cranes are also predators of fish. Visit probirdcontrol.org to learn more about getting rid of nuisance birds.

Fortifying your fish pond

If predatory wildlife visits your backyard, then you need to act fast to fortify your pond and make it inaccessible. Even if you simply suspect an infestation, you can still go ahead with preventative measures. 

Here are some options for fortifying your pond and keeping predators at bay. 


Covering your pond with a net will keep the critters away for good. The net will cover the entire surface of the pond and make it inaccessible to the critters. This is a good method for dealing with a predator problem. 


Other predators, real or perceived, can discourage the activity of some of the critters that could come for your fish. This method works for predators like the blue heron. The blue heron is highly territorial and will leave an area if it perceives that it is the territory of another bird. This can be achieved with a decoy blue heron. 

You can also use other decoy animals like alligators and snakes. The trick is in moving the decoys around often so that the critters do not figure out the fakeness. 


Alarms work to keep the critters out of your backyard and pond through different measures. The alarms could release sounds when they sense the activity of a possible predator. The deterrents could also be a jet of water or loud music to discourage wildlife activity in your backyard. The alarms are motion sensor devices and are activated when they detect activity. 

Pond modifications

You can install protective features into your pond to better protect your fish from predatory wildlife. Necessary pond modifications include increasing the depth of the ponds. Ponds that are at least three feet deep provide additional safety to fish, especially against the blue heron and other birds. When these predators attack the fish, they will simply swim deeper into safety. 

Pond modifications are also suitable for keeping fish safe from critters like raccoons. The necessary pond modification, in this case, is the removal of any surface on which the predatory critters can rest and attack the fish. Incorporate fish caves into your pond as an extra safety measure. Plant covers are also great for protecting your fish. 


A well-trained dog can help keep predatory wildlife away. Dogs can chase blue heron away by barking loudly. 

Fortifying your pond will help keep your fish safe. Take the necessary measures as soon as possible.   




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