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How to Plan for a Fun Summer During Uncertain Times

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Due to the coronavirus, many families have canceled their summer vacations. Unfortunately, even though stay-at-home orders may start lifting, we don’t know when or if it’ll be safe to travel anytime soon. With many local businesses closed, how can we look forward to an enjoyable summer? Actually, it may be easier than you think!

Here are some ideas on how to stay sane over the next few months:

    1. Research Virtual Activities

Over the past two months, you’ve likely scoured the web for ways to keep everyone entertained. These activities may include online games, new movies and e-books — but you don’t want to stay inside all summer, right? Though we can’t travel to Disney or tour a museum physically, it’s possible to do so virtually. Each week, plan to “visit” a zoo, gallery or aquarium with your kids.

Many of these locations offer free online programs and resources to make the experience more fun. You can choose to complete these activities or create your own instead. Either way, you and your family can learn about a new topic as you sit and watch at home. As self-quarantine continues, many places should start providing even more field trip options.

    2. Throw a Backyard Party

You can always replicate your dream vacation with a backyard transformation. You’ll need to be a little creative, but your children can help, too. This exercise can be a way for them to learn how to set meaningful goals and see them through. When they envision a plan, how can they make it happen? For example, they could set up a few lounge chairs and fill a cooler with drinks — with adult supervision, of course.

Though it won’t feel exactly like the Bahamas, it’s still a fun activity. You don’t have to stop with the beach, either. You could set aside time for a do-it-yourself movie theater, an outdoor obstacle course or a massive slip ‘n’ slide. Your choices are only as limited as your imagination. If you don’t want to take on too much, have a barbecue with yummy food and play a board game or two.

You definitely don’t need to sit inside all summer when your backyard is available for partying.

     3. Support Local Businesses

It’s always necessary to show some love for your local businesses, but now, it’s more important than ever. Here are a few suggestions to consider:

  • Splurge on a fancy takeout dinner. You can decorate your dining room to look like a restaurant. Don’t forget to set a dress code.
  • Host a spa day. See if your salon offers take-home dye kits and pick up one for yourself. You can paint your nails, do a facemask and re-do those roots.
  • Start a summer book club. Many independent book stores can still fulfill orders. Ask your children to decide on a few reads they want to finish by August.
  • Volunteer to assist a neighbor. Does the older woman across the street have someone to deliver her groceries? Make it your mission to bring food once a week. Shop from local markets and farms when possible.

There are so many different ways to assist nearby shops throughout your community. These ideas can give you some enjoyable stuff to do during the summer.

     4. Look Ahead to Future Vacations

You probably can’t take that trip to the Grand Canyon this year, but that doesn’t mean you can’t plan for next summer. Many experts don’t know when it’ll be safe enough to travel, so be careful not to raise your hopes too high. Still, it’s always nice to have an event to look forward to. Plus, who doesn’t like to picture themselves somewhere special?

You and your family can explore various destinations and vote on your favorite ones. Let them know this trip may not happen for a while, but encourage them to look at fun resorts, local excursions and more. If you decide on a specific place, watch a few videos to get to know more about it. You can even eat some authentic food if you plan to travel to another country. These activities can occupy your mind during the wait.

     5. Spend Time Outside

When you need to blow off some steam, it’s time to head outside. Use this summer to discover hiking trails and bike paths you never knew existed. Every weekend, you and your family can take a trip to a different location. As long as you check beforehand that it’s open, you can spend the afternoon walking or riding through the area. Pack a picnic, too!

Of course, it’s essential to practice safe social distancing at all times. Wear a face mask and stay 6 feet apart. You should only head outdoors with your immediate family, too — so try not to invite any friends, even though it could be fun. This way, you and everyone else can stay healthy.

    Use These Ideas for an Enjoyable Summer at Home

These uncertain times don’t mean you need to forgo an awesome summer. Use these suggestions to create a memorable few months with your family.



Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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