Health & Fitness

How To Benefit From Exercise When Managing Type II Diabetes

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It’s a well-known fact that exercise is highly instrumental in managing type II diabetes. At its intrinsic level, exercise can help build insulin sensitivity, which further impacts blood sugar levels and weight positively. As the pandemic has made physical activity less of a priority for most people, it may have contributed to a greater incidence of high blood sugar among sedentary people. On the contrary, physical movement needs to be high on the list when managing underlying health conditions such as diabetes. 

Importance Of Exercise For Type II Diabetes

An important hormone made by your pancreas is insulin that the body uses to deposit glucose into your cells. When you walk or move about, you are preparing your body to utilize insulin more effectively for the long run. 

Exercising can be as easy as going for a walk, but the trick is to continue doing some kind of exercise every day to help manage the health condition.

Besides, regular exercise can also bring down your cholesterol levels and reduce blood pressure that could further decrease the incidence of heart disease.

Let’s look at how you can put your health first and adopt a healthy exercise regime when managing type II diabetes.

  • Take Small Steps At First

If you’re starting with a new exercise routine, you may not want to sprint 5 miles suddenly on your first day of exercise. Not only will you be sore on day two, but you could also land up with injuries, and the fatigue could demotivate you to exercise every day. Instead, start slowly by walking for 10 minutes every day in a comfortable space. As your endurance and fitness levels build, keep adding five minutes to your walking routine every week until you reach the goal of 30 minutes of brisk walking for five days a week.

  • Choose an Activity You Enjoy

A fun and exhilarating activity that agrees with your abilities could make you stick to it rather than doing something you don’t enjoy. For instance, if walking on the treadmill is a chore, you may find it hard to motivate yourself to get onto it every day. But, if you prefer working outside, make time for it and keep adding new activities to keep your fitness fresh and fun.

  • Get A Partner To Join You

Encourage a friend to join you in exercising or live-stream an exercise session online. When you have somebody to exercise with you, it can help pass your time swiftly and take your mind off the effort it takes to exercise. A buddy or a partner will also hold you responsible and motivate you to exercise every day.

  • Check Your Blood Sugar Pre-And Post-Exercise

To understand how exercise can improve your blood sugar control, it can be a good idea to monitor your blood sugar levels before and after exercise. As you begin to notice your body reacting to various kinds of activities, their length and intensity, you will be able to stay motivated and stick to those workouts. Ensure you keep glucose tablets or a juice box at hand if you experience an episode of low blood sugar in the event it happens when you exercise.

How Much Exercise do You Need In A Day?

According to health experts, adults with type I and type II diabetes may need approximately 150 minutes of moderate or vigorous exercise weekly. You can spread these minutes over at least three days, with no more than two days of inactivity.

If you are a physically-fit individual and routinely engage in an interval or high-intensity training, you may need only 75 minutes every week. It can be an excellent idea to add strength training every alternate during the week with at least one day between workouts. Avoid sitting for long hours during the day and make it a point to get up or move about for at least a few minutes every half hour. Stretching exercises are also beneficial in preventing fatigue and easing your muscles.

According to studies, people with type II diabetes experienced better blood sugar control after 12 weeks by incorporating resistance training and aerobic exercises.


It takes patience and determination to get into a regular exercise routine. But the key is not to give up. When you begin to see your daily exercise regime results, you may not want to stop, which can be the best motivation of all.



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