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NH News

How Essay Writing Skills Are Important For One’s Future Career

If there is anything that this global pandemic has shown us, it’s that essay writing skills are most certainly important for a person’s future career, regardless of the chosen career. During this time, many professionals have had to reacquaint themselves with their writing skills as a way to communicate with their coworkers. These writing skills include: organizing your thoughts effectively and using appropriate tone/voice.

Being so far away from the people we need to communicate with is not ideal, however having the ability to organize your thoughts in an effective way for others to understand makes times like these a lot easier for everyone. When workers possess the skill to write out their organized thoughts, they also possess the skill to communicate well. This skill is especially important for people in leadership positions. When leaders need to communicate their plan of action to all of their team members at once it is important for them to be able to write their plan out clearly so everyone can do their jobs effectively.

For example, let’s say there is a leader of a group of engineers. The leader needs to craft an email clearly explaining the way in which the engineers are supposed to go about submitting ideas and plans to the leader for approval. If the leader cannot productively explain their plan of action, they will be bombarded with questions or, worse, their team will do things the wrong way and cause issues that then have to be resolved. Conflicts like these can be easily avoided if people have the essay writing skills like organizing your thoughts clearly.

“Using an appropriate tone through writing is also an important skill that comes with essay writing,” says Mary Winston, an essay writer at Informative Essay Outline service. This is a vital skill to acquire because when writing emails, workers need to be sure that they are being respectful and are portraying themselves in the best possible way. If a worker uses an improper tone while writing they could lose credibility or not get their point across to their coworkers. For instance, if a worker is applying to a new job and they use a tone that comes off as unprofessional, they may not get the job regardless of their other qualifications. The worker’s inability to use the appropriate tone in their writing could be detrimental to their career. Using the proper tone and voice for the situation at hand is a vital part of communicating through writing and therefore, a vital part of a person’s future career.

All of these strict social distancing guidelines that are keeping us apart were very suddenly implemented. This did not leave much time for workers to learn these crucial essay writing skills, the workers that already had these skills excelled during this time. They already had the communication expertise to make them successful in a time when face-to-face contact is impossible because they already had essay writing skills.

In conclusion, essay writing skills are essential skills for a person’s future career. It does not matter what career the person has chosen. This is proven by the unheard of times that we are currently in. People who have the ability to organize their thoughts in an effective way and who know how to use the appropriate tone while writing they excel in remote communication, which has become a staple of everyone’s careers.


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