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How Do You Challenge Your Percentage of Fault in a Car Accident?

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It is not unusual for two cars to collide with each other on a highway and the injured person or the victim also turns out to be partially responsible for the car accident. 

Now, at this moment, it is essential to justify your percentage of fault. You know that you are faulty, and even the police can assess that it was partially your fault, but your injuries also need to be compensated. 

According to the law, the greater your percentage of fault in a car accident, the less compensation the insurance company grants you. This is why knowing the exact and valid percentage of your fault in a car accident is crucial. However, before you go and challenge your percentage of fault, you should hire a personal injury lawyer. You alone can not challenge the court or the law; a personal injury lawyer will walk you through the legal terms and ways to challenge a decision. 

Fight the Ticket

You must have read this or heard this before. It is imperative. Usually, after a car accident, a police or traffic police representative comes to you and tries to analyze and assess the whole situation. If they find you guilty and hands over a ticket, but you think it is not your fault, you can always fight the ticket. Because if you don’t, the opponent can use it against you, and you won’t be adequately compensated for your injuries.

When you deny the charges, there is going to be a court hearing against you. You can also defend yourself by taking a defensive driving test. If you pass, the charges of being guilty can be exempted. 

Present Your Respective Disagreements

In different states, different laws allow you to disagree with your insurance company regarding the charges on you. In this case, with the assistance of your injury lawyer, you can approach the insurance company and give them a complete record of the statements that you highly disagree with and would like your stance to be heard. Your injury lawyer can further guide you according to the laws of a state.

Generally, these are the documents that an insurance company requires: 

  1. The information that you are disputing
  2. Proof why the insurance company is the wrong, a.k.a your detailed statement on the disagreement
  3. Evidence that can back your claim, compile it, and present it in front of the insurance company
  4. It is also recommended that if you can get the printed version of your communication or discussion with the insurance company on the matter 

Some Important Things to Remember

Mentioned above are the required documents and other things. Apart from them, there is a set of other crucial things, and they are as follows:

  • Be quick in action: You have to be very quick in action after the crash, or the accident has taken place. If you have suffered injuries and will need time to get back on your feet, contact your injury lawyer as soon as possible. A delay can possibly reduce your chances of getting the maximum compensation. 
  • Don’t Miss Out: Although you will have your injury lawyer with you, it is recommended that you share the tiniest of the details with your lawyer. Any witnesses that you may have seen on the accident site can help your lawyer deal with your case in a better way. If you are conscious and can take the pictures of the site, damaged road, debris, car, etc., go for that—the more the evidence, the better. 



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