Health & Fitness

How Can CBD Oil for Dogs and Cats Help?

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CBD oil is believed to be beneficial for humans – the question now is, can CBD oil also help support the health of dogs and cats? This is because there are pet owners who are curious as to whether the substance CBD can actually help their beloved pets who have symptoms of illnesses and other medical conditions.

The truth is, there is still much to research when it comes to effects of CBD oil for your pets. Some pet owners claim that CBD is indeed a good treatment option for their pets. Others may recommend caution since there is not that much medical research yet to fall back on.

What is CBD, and What Does It Do?

CBD is an acronym that refers to the substance named cannabidiol. This substance is extracted from the parts of the hemp plant that belongs to the Cannabis Sativa plant family. CBD is believed to have some health benefits for humans, which may have led some pet owners to try it out on their pets as well. Some sources claim it is beneficial for dogs and cats, to help them get relief from their symptoms of illnesses and disorders.

Furthermore, there are some other benefits that both your dog and cat may get from using CBD oil. For example, when using cannabidiol oil dogs showed significant results in epileptic episodes being reduced. It reduces inflammation and chronic pain as well as helps to ease anxiety and depression by neutralizing their mood. CBD oil can also possibly reduce the spread of cancer and lessen the side effects of cancer treatments. It also improves your pet’s coat and promotes an increase in overall health.

Also, be aware that CBD oil can produce some side effects. You should even know that your dog may develop a reaction to the substance while your cat will react differently—the reason why is because of how the bodies of dogs and cats can differ. Research studies are still ongoing to determine how CBD works in their body.

Possible Side Effects of CBD Oil on Dogs and Cats

To reduce the possibility of side effects, pet owners are generally advised to visit a veterinarian for a check-up on whether your pets can consume CBD oil. This will help you to know if your pet has an underlying health problem that can be an issue if CBD oil is taken. If your pet is on some kind of medication, it might not be a good idea to give it to your pet until the veterinarian gives a go signal. Furthermore, they will advise that you start at the lowest possible dosage if you opt to give CBD oil to your pets. Here are the different effects when you give more CBD oil to your pets than what is advised:

  • Sedation – This is attributed to the dose of CBD oil being too high. You can address this by lowering the dosage. If your pet seems to tolerate that minimum volume of CBD oil, you may increase it slowly until you reach the dosage that your pet won’t get a reaction from. Carefully observe your pet to see if they’re still sedated. If they’re still sedated, you should refrain from making them take more doses until your veterinarian checks your pet.
  • Fluctuating Appetite – CBD oil could induce changes in its appetite, hence your dog or can develop a sensitive stomach. Likewise, you will need to lower the dosage and observe your pet for a few days. Usually, their appetite will come back to normal after you have reduced the dosage. If this doesn’t work, you may have to bring your animal to the vet.
  • Nausea and Possibly Vomiting – This can be related to the changes in appetite. If nausea and vomiting continue, discontinue using CBD oil and immediately go to the nearest veterinary clinic

Variety of CBD Oil Forms For Pets

If your pets seem to tolerate CBD oil well, then you may be pleased to know that there are other types of CBD oil products that you can give to your pets. Some may recommend that you try out all forms one by one to see which one will be suitable for your pet the most. The other types of CBD oil are treats, tinctures, capsules, and topical creams. Treats, tinctures, and capsules are all edible forms. On the other hand, it is advisable to use the topical cream instead if your pet has external issues like skin allergies.

Final Takeaway

CBD is not a cure-all product. It does, however, have some potential as a form of treatment for your pets’ health issues. Remember to consult your veterinarian first before giving or applying any CBD products on your pet. This will make the process of finding a reputable and consistent treatment for your pets easier.



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