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Home & Garden

House Cleaning and Staging: 5 Tricks to Sell a House Fast

Currently, an average home spends at least two months on the market before it’s sold.

Some people manage to sell their homes in a matter of days, but others aren’t so lucky. In fact, some have their houses on the market for months – and even years – before they manage to finally sell it to someone. Luckily, you can make a difference and help your house sell faster.

So here are a couple of tricks that can help you stage your home perfectly when a potential buyer is coming through…

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1.      Make Your House Presentable For Walk-Throughs

First thing’s first, you’ll have to de-clutter your home and make sure that everything’s spotless. You don’t want to have an inch of dust on your furniture when the potential buyer’s walking in. Use a cleaning service like Molly Maids to help you with the clutter, while you’re concentrating on bigger issues. Look up Molly Maids prices online and see what their schedule is a few weeks in advance.

2.      Curb Appeal Matters so Focus On It

You have to make a strong first impression, and homes with chipping paint and patchy grass don’t look appealing to anyone. Even if the paint isn’t chipping you should re-paint both the exterior and the interior to make the house look fresh. In addition, you can also put some new flowers in front and get a brand new door to make everything look perfect.

3.      Make Some Repairs if Needed

Be aware that even something minor, like a leaky faucet can affect the sale. For instance, leaky faucets around the house could suggest that you’re not properly maintaining your home. You should hire a contractor to make some repairs at least three months before you list the house. Also, have an electrician check the wiring around the house and make repairs if needed

4.      Set the Price Right from the Start

The pricing process is not really that complicated – but you still have to be careful. You don’t want to overprice it or underprice it. Wise thing to do would be to set your price above the market value slightly but bellow the prices of similar houses nearby.

5.      Do Some Additional Home-Staging

After everything’s done, you still have to do some staging. Your goal should be to make your house look like it’s ready for magazine photo shoot. Therefore, pack things like family photos and things you don’t use often, and put them in a storage unit before the potential buyer comes.

Last But Not Least: Make Sure to Spread the Word

Even if you hire a real estate agent to help you with the sale, you still have to do some work. Don’t just sit around – let as many people as possible know what your house is on the market.

Someone that isn’t even trying to buy a new house may end up telling someone that actually is in the market for a new home, and you can end up with a new potential buyer. Trust us – there is no better marketing than word-of-mouth.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

5 thoughts on “House Cleaning and Staging: 5 Tricks to Sell a House Fast

  • I agree, home staging and improving the curb appeal definitely helps a lot in selling your house fast. Awesome blog by the way!

  • I never really considered what all was involved in home staging until a local acquaintance was sharing it on her blog. It’s very interesting the lengths we go to in order to sell. I would definitely need to implement all of these tricks.

  • These are some great tips. My house is so messy right now. Driving me crazy. I am ready for the holiday crazy to go away so I can really focus on cleaning up and cleaning out! We need to declutter bad!!!

  • Perfect timing on these how to sell your house tips. We’re thinking about putting our house up for sale in the spring. We’ll put these tips to good use.

  • I agree with setting a realistic price, but a property is going to sell when it’s going to sell. I’ve done all of these things and had a horrible time selling an apartment in a small city, but when I went to sell in my current (bigger) city, my place sold for almost asking within 11 days. So much is related to the local market.


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