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Holiday Gift Guide Ideas, Body Glove Inflatable Standup Paddleboard Performer…

Can you believe we will be celebrating Christmas within the next two months? Seems as though the summer season just started and now we are preparing for winter season. But, don’t let the winter season stop you from preparing for the summer next year or for preparing to travel to warmer weather this year.

Well, today I want to share with you a fabulous gift idea that will be just right for that person who loves to sail away. It’s called the Body Glove Inflatable Standup Paddleboard Performer 11 ft Blue Ocean Edition iSUP .

Hold on everyone, are you ready? This awesome inflatable standup paddleboard will make someone really “Happy” this holiday! You see, Body Glove has worked extremely hard to create and enhance their design of the Performer Blue Ocean Edition. In 2018 their improvements included reinforced double layer rails with 3-color transitions, new proprietary Dura-Fin construction material and an improved double layer backpack.

So, sailing along the shore or lake would be a breeze for you and anyone who uses this awesome Body Glove inflatable standup paddleboard.













The Body Glove is an inflatable SUP and inflates in 5 minutes and it’s a great beginner to intermediate family paddleboard.

Designed by paddling champion Luke Hopkins, the Performer’s durable construction makes for more fun and less worry, no matter if you are a pro on the lake or not. Luke Hopkins designed this board to be the ultimate board for family fun, fitness, and on water adventures. This board is light-weight and measures in length: 11 ft. Width: 34 in. Thickness: 6 in. Nose Rocker: 4.5 in. Tail Rocker: 0 in. Board Weight: 24 lbs.

The great thing about the Body Glove Inflatable Standup Paddleboard Performer 11 ft Blue Ocean is you can travel with it anywhere on any outdoor water adventure. It really would make an awesome gift to anyone who loves to sail on the water. Being able to have it inflated and deflated within 5 minutes makes it an even more exceptional gift.

It retails for $949.00, which is a great price for a wonderful yet effective paddleboard!

I don’t know about you, but I think the Body Glove company has a slew of awesome Holiday Gifts that is sure to please everyone.  Just think, they have inflatable standup paddleboards (well-constructed ones), sneaker shoes, active wear for  women, life jackets for men, iBoards , vapor gloves,  kids wetsuits, and much more.


So, what do you think? Would you like to have the Body Glove Inflatable Standup Paddleboard Performer 11 ft Blue Ocean Edition iSUP under your Christmas tree this Holiday Season?


Purchase your Performer 11 Blue Ocean Edition on  Body Glove website and on many online retailers. Don’t forget to connect with them via Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube | Pinterest






Disclosure:  We were  not compensated for this post. However, I did receive sample products from the companies and the opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own. All samples will be donated to many families and we are disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines.






Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

53 thoughts on “Holiday Gift Guide Ideas, Body Glove Inflatable Standup Paddleboard Performer…

  • I have been at a loss as to what to get my son for his birthday and I think you just helped me BIG TIME. He would go nuts for this!

  • This is such a fun gift guide, I love that stand up paddleboard. I have seen inflatable kayaks too, such a fun time! I think your list is full of good gift ideas.

  • so insane christmas will be here so soon!! i love the paddleboard is inflatable! meaning we can store it and take it anywhere!

  • the inflatable paddleboard is a great idea and i have a few ppl in mind that would like it

  • I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that Christmas is just two months away. Thanks for the gifting inspiration!

  • These are great gift ideas. We have kayaks..but no paddleboards yet. I know my kids would love one though! And we live in Florida, so it would be used year round

  • This would be perfect for my daughter

  • That paddleboard would make a fantastic gift for sporty people, or those who live near the beach! We are relatively landlocked in the Poconos, but we’re just a couple of hours from the ocean.

  • There is lots of good stuff on your gift guide but I really like the inflatable stand up paddleboard!

  • This looks like a really nice paddleboard!

  • Very great gift ideas, not the same old thing.

  • Great ideas for water fun! I love the gift guides and get so many great suggestions!

  • I am just starting to get a list organized for gift ideas, I have some difficult people to shop for on my list. These are creative and new ideas, thanks for the gift guide!

  • That looks better than the paddleboard I currently own, which is a junior board. I fell off too many times and said, nope. I’m not a paddleboarder. I so wanted to be.

  • My children would definitely love the paddleboard! 🙂 Those shoes look sooo comfortable!

  • I’m always looking for new gift ideas. I feel like I had run out of options, but these are great!

  • I have always wanted to try paddleboarding! You can do yoga on a paddleboard!

  • This paddle board looks like a lot of fun!

  • Nine Fridays until Christmas!! That’s a scary fact but it is true! I like the gifts you have assembled and the marvelous giveaways!

  • These are wonderful gift options. I know several people that these items would be wonderful for.

  • Great ideas for those living near water!

  • The holidays are soon to arrive, and these would make that great gift – with that of either the surfing fear for the avid water lover and / or table light to bring a new light unto my nieces room! It’s also clear how wonderful this light would be for the center part of the home to help ensure we can see when there a power outage. With so many purposes, very little space, theres just so many services to which this could be the answer!

  • My daughter would love this. We went paddleboarding at the beach recently and she has been begging for a board since.

  • My son would totally love these.

  • I like the idea of the portable light, the size is ideal because i don’t have a lot of space. But since I am up later than my husband the light would come in handy.

  • Awesome ideas. I think my daughter would be all about that inflatable paddleboard. She loves being on the water.

  • We don’t live in an area where this type of gift would be useful at all. For those living near the beach and plenty of water I can see where this would be their wish list.

  • I never knew an inflatable could be so sturdy to stand up on. I am not a regular beach goer but this looks great for those who paddleboard.

  • That inflatable paddlebaord looks awesome. We would love it

  • Oh my goodness! GIFT GUIDES already!!!! Let’s have Thanksgiving first, LOL! These are some fun gifts though!!

  • That looks like so much fun

  • This would be a great gift for my nephew!

  • Love the shoes

  • Rats…think I just deleted my message. Love the inflatable paddleboard. Di wonder if stability is the same. Would be great to have when boat is in anchorage without taking up precious space.

  • Inflatable paddleboard….love it! I do wonder how it feels in regard to stability. Would be great to use when the boat is on anchorage without eating up space

  • Looks like fun for those who enjoy water sports.

  • This Body Glove Inflatable Standup Paddleboard looks awesome.

  • This looks like a lot of fun and I bet great exercise.

  • For folks near lakes, this is the ultimate gift. Easy to use, and good fun too

  • I really like the looks of the white shoes

  • cool gifts.

  • Wow, an inflatable paddleboard is kinda neat. I wonder if it feels any different to use than a standard board. I can’t really tell the difference in the pictures at least.

  • I don’t think I could ever paddleboard. I would hit the water within seconds..lol

  • I’ve always wanted to try stand up paddle boarding. It looks like a lot of fun 🙂

  • This inflatable Standup Paddleboard is really amazing!

  • I would love to win that table light how cool! Thanks for a chance love all your giveaways.

  • These are some great gift ideas.


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