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Helping Your Family Live Healthier With Alternative Health Therapies

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There’s no doubt that as the overall culture of modern healthcare is changing, insurance coverage is changing as well. Today there is more awareness than ever that staying healthy by taking care of ourselves is a smart choice. Without question, eating natural, organic foods, and seeking out so-called alternative medicine and healthcare treatments like massage therapies, chiropractic adjustments and acupuncture is a breakthrough in keeping our society well.

As these changes come into play, the corporate insurance structure we all depend on to help pay for treatments is adjusting as well. In years past, most people were instructed by their doctors to use medications and medical treatments in order stay healthy and well. While western medicine has much to offer in the way of treatment for illnesses and in mending the wounded, there is also a range of other treatments available from other cultures that can greatly enhance our health as well. It’s taken a long time for the sometimes rigid structures of western medicine to acknowledge this, but lately we are seeing a change that can help everyone who wants to really improve their health and well-being.

Changes in Insurance Policy

While many people today are taking advantage of the many alternative resources available for healing, like massage therapy which can help regrow muscle tissue, acupuncture and even energy treatments, most people pay for these services out of pocket, under the assumption that a corporate insurance company would be hesitant to offer any reimbursement for this care. It’s important to know, though, that recent changes in insurance policy guidelines make it more possible than ever to get some coverage for alternative medicine therapies.

 A recent story in Health Magazine outlines some of the ways that patients can obtain coverage for alternative therapies. One strategy is to get a prescription for the coverage of a medical issue, and then also seek an alternative treatment, like a massage, to deal with the problem. Some insurers will be more open to covering the care if they see that a doctor has prescribed a treatment for it.

 Coverage for Rehab

Help for addiction is another area that is a big issue for many people today, as the problem of drug and alcohol abuse continues to be a big problem in our society. In spite of all this, many still ask the question “does insurance cover rehab?” Many people go it alone as far as getting help with detox and rehab programs goes, but the fact is that covering rehab with insurance is a real possibility. Many insurers will now cover the cost of rehab at a reputable rehab center, so it’s wise to seek out all the possibilities and ask about insurance coverage if you or a family member is in need of this kind of help.

Society as whole needs to have a population that is healthy and vital, which is why there is coverage available to help those who need medical help. The great news is that the many breakthroughs that have occurred in alternative therapies for a host of problems can help people with all kinds of issues. The greater awareness of the need for support for drug and alcohol addiction is also hugely helpful for those who need real help to beat a substance abuse problem.


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37 thoughts on “Helping Your Family Live Healthier With Alternative Health Therapies

  • Thank you so much for the tips and pointers on living healthier. Every little bit of information helps.

  • I haven’t given much thought to alternatives therapies but your post is interesting and with the cost of traditional medical care and health insurance this can be an important alternative for many people

  • It is interesting that alternative therapies are being used more now than in the past, yet some are thousands of years old.

  • It’s sad and frustrating how much insurance gets to dictate our health care options in this country. They aren’t out for the health of the people – they’re in it for the money. And alternative therapies for many things need to be worked in – they are often just as, if not more, effective than the drugs and “traditional” options – but the big drug companies have the insurance companies and the congresspeople in their pockets via money.

  • Thanks for the informative article on health insurance and why the need for alternative health care options. I appreciate your perspective and agree the added options to each individual is fantastic. People should be able to choose when, where, and how their medical care should go. They also should be allowed to choose where they get their health coverage, what coverage they want, and what coverage they don’t want. Great changes have been made in what’s covered for sure, but who can afford it? For me alone, not including my 3 kids and spouse, a decent health plan ( which I currently have and pay for) is $497 per month. For my entire family to be covered.. your talking about almost $900 a month. While I agree with you I’d like to see you also talk about what it costs or would costs. Yeah we all want all those things in our health insurance plans, but for most it’s just not possible.

  • I have an auto-immune condition and I was told to get a therapy as an alternative medicine and it is working. Thanks for posting such an amazing review.

  • I don’t understand my health insurance I feel like I have to go to graduate school to understand it. I think it’s shameful the way they force people to know all of this and nobody understands it and they don’t usually either.

  • I think it’s about time insurance companies start allowing alternative therapies. Not everyone wants to go or can go the drug route.

  • I think it is about time insurance companies start looking into alternative treatments for certain conditions.

  • This is very informative. I believe alternative therapies can be extremely beneficial.

  • This is an insightful post. I have never thought about this but this can come quite helpful. Thanks for sharing this with us!

  • I had no idea insurance was starting to pick up the cost for (some) alternative care. My son was an addict from the age of 15 until he turned 22 and I can attest to the cost of treatment. What’s equally sobering is very rarely will one stay “cure” them. In fact, on average, an addict will go through seven in-patient programs before they have a shot at turning it around. The cost (in dollars) is incredible. x

  • Alternative medicine can be a great tool for improving health. Eating good foods and staying active are also very important. Thanks for sharing this info.

  • There is no way that any insurance company is going to pay for a massage. Because if they did, I’d intentionally fall down the stairs just to get massages every day for the rest of my life.

  • I have a son with a heart transplant type 1 Diabetes, Celiacs disease and a daughter who had Cancer at 7 . i have kidney problems I am in with Integrated medicine Dr’s so we use both traditional and integrated when possible.

  • I want to try to eat healthier and be more active. Maybe then I would spend less time seeking the help of my chiropractor.

  • I generally try to start with alternative remedies when I can. I’m a strong believer in acupuncture and using nature’s resources to heal.

  • I’m an advocate of traditional and alternative health care. I think that there are many times we can treat what’s wrong without having to resort to surgery or medication and so why shouldn’t we? But it’s not always covered by some insurance companies and that makes it tricky. We’re lucky enough to have all kinds of things – acupuncture, massage therapy, and more covered by ours.

  • Great post, thanks for sharing. We are always looking for alternatives therapies.

  • I believe in both alternative and traditional medicine.

  • I agree that we need to do everything possible to live healthier, to eat healthier, to do more sport and to teach this to our children. Preventing the deseases is much better than to cure them!

  • Such a sad state of affairs in our insurance companies. Hoping more will get it together and cover more diverse therapies.

  • Our health system spends far too much on treatments, surgeries and medications which often have side effects worse than the condition they are advertised as treating. The remedy is worse than the cure! Alternatives are indicated.

  • Great post. I know that when my family and I work at being healthier together we are a lot happier. I love teaching my kids simple life lessons when it comes to working towards a healthier lifestyle as well. It is our job to do that.

  • There have definitely been times when I’ve had more luck with alternative, homeopathic type therapies. Many of them really work.

  • Alternative therapy should be covered by insurance.

  • I think with the cost of insurance many people are seeking alternative medicines. Things are just too expensive nowadays.

  • I’m a big believer in alternative medicine. Especially when Western Medicine fails you. Look for the alternative.

  • I strongly believe that a holistic approach to health is our best alternative. But it’s so difficult for us to commit the time and effort needed to eat, sleep, exercise, meditate, etc. the way we really need to. We’re always rushed and convenience has become king. I’m glad some insurance companies are on board with some alternative therapies. It’s a start.

  • It would be nice if insurance companies covered more alternative medicine. It would also be nice to be able to afford health insurance.

  • I try and motivate my family (my husband) to live healthier and I really do think I Have made an impact! While he still eats whatever he wants, he is WAY MORE MINDFUL and he does go to the gym daily with me! 🙂

  • I think there is a time and place for everything. I am a huge advocate for alternative health practices. I use a lot of different types myself. I wish more people thought like you!

  • This is a really interesting article. I really like all the tips. Insurance and healthcare in general can be very overwhelming sometimes.

  • It’s very important for our society to be healthier with all the fast food and addictions I feel that people need and want to be healthy but are easily tempted and we’ve become cyber and socially addicted also which is not healthy at all. Alternative therapies are great and also better than some pill.

  • I am all about alternative treatments. I like the holistic approach to health.

  • I hope that more insurers cover more alternative therapies!


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