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Hammacher Schlemmer, Offering nothing but the best this Holiday Season

Disclosure: I received a free product from the sponsor to review. I received no monetary compensation and my opinions are 100% my own and were not influenced by the sponsor.


Hammacher Schlemmer has been offering the Best of the Best for over 163 years. I’m delighted to say they are one of our TOP PICKS this Holiday Season. Hammacher Schlemmer website has just about everything you would like to have for your home, kids, personal care, sports, travel and more.

No matter what you select from them their company policy is all their merchandise is guaranteed, just find the nearest Hammacher Schlemmer store or send item back and wait for replacement.

This Holiday visit them online to see their unique Christmas gifts for that loved one, I found this for Jordan, The Best Children’s Tablet, retails for $149 which is not bad. Its a very good educational tablet for the kids..


This Holiday Hammacher Schlemmer has given me the opportunity to try out one of their products so I wanted to try  the The Petite Superior Comfort BedLounger.


I’m glad I did, for the first few weeks I had to stay in bed due to a back injury and the Petite Superior Comfort BedLounger gave me great comfort during that time. It really does offer superior support all around. The adjustable headset is good for supporting your head and neck area. It is very well constructed and has pocket slots on each side to hold your items. I think its great how the armrest pivots inward to help support your body weight. Basically the BedLounger contours to your body giving you all the necessary support that is needed for both your back and neck. Great for reducing strain on your head, neck and shoulders.


I don’t know about you but I love finding products that bring me great comfort. Don’t worry if there is no need for a Lounger just select something else.75335_1000x1000

I think this year I will be asking my husband to purchase this for me since I take a lot of pictures for my blog I would love to have one of these The 20 Inch Tabletop Photo Studio.

This Holiday Season don’t stress just sit back view the website of Hammacher Schlemmer

You can connect with Hammacher Schlemmer on Facebook & Twitter and Pinterest



Disclosure: I received a free product from the sponsor to review. I received no monetary compensation and my opinions are 100% my own and were not influenced by the sponsor.












Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

6 thoughts on “Hammacher Schlemmer, Offering nothing but the best this Holiday Season

  • We have that bed lounger and LOVE it! Such a comfy gift and perfect for working from my bed 🙂

  • Wow, it looks like Hammacher Schlemmer has something for everything this holiday season! The tablet looks like something my son would love!

  • That looks awesome! I have that photo studio, but haven’t used it much. I gotta get it out!

  • I like a site like this where you can find something for everyone in the family. That lounger looks so comfy!

  • I use my laptop on my bed a lot so the lounger looks incredible to me!

  • Omg. I need one of those photo studios! I hate ugly background and terrible lighting. This would be perfect since I take so many pictures.


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