Health & Fitness

The Greatest Gift: Everything You Need to Know to Become a Surrogate

Do you want to be a surrogate? Don’t worry, with this guide, you can learn about the qualifications you need to become a surrogate.

From health guidelines to financial qualifications, surgency requires a high level of responsibility. Now let’s take a look at a few surrogate requirements:


What Is a Surrogate?  

Surrogacy is a legal agreement where a woman can bear a child for a person or a couple. The two types of surrogacy are traditional and gestational.

Traditional surrogacy is when a surrogate mother is artificially inseminated and carries the baby to term. However, this type of surrogacy is controversial due to the surrogate mother’s parental rights. In some states, traditional surrogacy is prohibited.

In contrast, gestational surrogacy is when a surrogate mother carries an egg that’s been removed from the intended mother and fertilized. That way, the child has no genetic link to the surrogate mother but instead the intended mother. Couples most prefer this type of surrogacy due to its benefits.

Surrogate Requirements 

To become a surrogate, you need to live by these guidelines in order to keep you and the baby safe. If you keep these requirements in mind, you’ll likely become a better surrogate mother.

Health Requirments 

To be a surrogate, you need to be in good physical health and maintain a healthy mental state. To ensure the baby’s safety as well as your own, it’s imperative you follow these health guidelines:

  • Be between the ages of 21 and 39 years old
  • Have carried one successful pregnancy to term
  • Have a healthy BMI of less than 33
  • Do not have any serious health conditions
  • Do not have any previous pregnancy complications such as pre-eclampsia, toxemia, or pre-term labor
  • Have not used anti-depressants within 12 months of the starting process

If you meet these health qualifications, you’ll likely be a good candidate for surrogacy. However, if you have a high BMI but want to become a surrogate, learn how to reduce the risks by contacting a professional.

Lifestyle Qualifications  

Surrogates must live responsibly in order to provide a safe home while the baby grows. Surrogates must remain tobacco-free for at least six months prior to starting the process. While pregnant surrogates are prohibited from using tobacco and should refrain from exposing themselves to second-hand smoke.

Since surrogacy isn’t legal in all 50 states, surrogates should reside in surrogate friendly states. In states where surrogacy is frowned upon, it’s often risky for all parties involved to participate.

Surrogates must also have no criminal history. Partners or spouses are vetted too, and they also shouldn’t have any past discrepancies with the law. If your partner or spouse has a criminal history, there’s a chance an agency may not approve you.

Financial Requirments 

Surrogates must not depend on surrogacy as their sole source of income. Thus, surrogates must be financially stable and able to verify their income. There should also be no history of bankruptcy within at least two years.

Final Thoughts 

Becoming a surrogate is a huge responsibility. However, if you abide by the guidelines and remember to live safely, you’ll be just fine. For more information on surrogate requirements, visit our blog.




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