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Beauty & Fashion

Four Top Ingredients That Can Keep You Looking Younger(guest post)

There are many ingredients that can go into a skin care product, some that work and some that are just filler.  There are four key ingredients that have been tested and proven to work – coenzymeQ10, Vialox pentapeptide-3, and Syn-Coll.

CoenzymeQ10, also known as CoQ10 or ubiquinone, is a substance produced by the body and it is found in every cell.  The cells use it for growth and regular operation in the mitochondria, which can be thought of as the furnace of the cells.  It is also an antioxidant that works to overcome pollution, ultraviolet light, and other damaging environmental effects.

t is found in higher concentrations in the organs that do a lot of work like the heart and liver. CoQ10 is an enzyme that the body uses to help with proper oxygen use in the circulatory system and it helps regulate cholesterol levels. Over time, though, the body makes less and less of it.  Stress, medications, and disease can also suppress the body’s ability to make CoQ10.  CoenzymeQ10 is found in organ meats, fish, beef, soybeans, sesame oil, canola oil, and peanuts.  It can also be found in supplements.

CoenzymeQ10 has been more recently studied for its effectiveness as an addition to skin care products.  Since it is an antioxidant, it helps reduce the effects of free radicals on the skin, which can cause premature aging. As we age, we lose the cellular ability to produce collagen.  CoQ10 can help with repairing skin cells and restoring the skin’s ability to renew.  A study done in Germany in 1999 showed that using CoQ10 long-term helped reduce the appearance of crow’s feet.  Another one done recently at the University of New South Wales showed CoQ10 was able to get deep into the skin and help reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles.

Another key ingredient, Vialox pentapeptide-3, is manufactured at a pharmaceutical company in Switzerland.  It is a powder designed to replicate the kinds of results Botox can create by blocking the electrical impulses that trigger movement by the facial muscle cells.  By relaxing these cells, it can prevent wrinkles from forming.  Unlike Botox, there are no injections and no botulinum bacteria of which to be fearful.  It also has similar results to curare, a paralyzing nerve agent.  Vialox stops the release of the sodium ion that muscle receptors need to receive their signals to contract muscles.

Vialox is added to Ageless Derma’s Stem Cell and Peptide Anti-Wrinkle cream to help fight wrinkles and give skin a more youthful appearance.  It has been shown to reduce wrinkles like crows’ feet and smile lines by as much as 50%.

SynColl peptides are the third key ingredient to look for in skin care products.  It helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and create a more youthful appearance as well.  SynColl, as its name suggests, helps increase collagen production, which will eliminate wrinkles and firm the skin.  Using SynColl topically is a much safer choice than receiving collagen injections, and it is almost as effective.

Sifting through all of the information that is out there about what is and is not a good product for skin care can be confusing, but studying the research and understanding the results is a great place to start. When one finds a product that has scientific studies to back it up, the process becomes much less challenging.

Purchase Ageless Derma Stem Cell And Peptide Anti Wrinkle Cream at DrSkinSpa.com

As founder of Focus Medical Spa in Orange County, California, Dr. Mostamand is accustomed to hearing glowing feedback from thousands of grateful clients. For the past 10 years, his medical spa has offered non-invasive aesthetic procedures and physician grade skincare solutions to women seeking to rejuvenate and restore their damaged or aging skin.

In an effort to expand his ability to assist clients seeking to restore and maintain their youthful appearances, Dr Mostamand founded a skin care website. Since 2006, DrSkinSpa.com has been dedicated to providing complimentary skincare consultations as well as easy access to more than 4,000 of the most effective, physician grade anti-aging skincare products available.

His well-received book, Ageless Skin Obsession, provides valuable insight into the latest skincare research and the assists readers in making educated decisions in their quest to capture the essence of ageless skin.





Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

9 thoughts on “Four Top Ingredients That Can Keep You Looking Younger(guest post)

  • I had the opportunity to try Ageless Derma’s sunscreen, and I loved it! I love that Ageless Derma incorporates some of these ingredients… I’m all for younger-looking, healthy skin!

  • great, detailed information. I’ve had melanoma this year…. skin care is so important!! thank you!

  • There are so many products available these days! I had never heard of these, thanks for sharing.

  • wow, this is so cool. I need to take care of my skin and trying anti aging products.

  • It’s so interesting to see all the new and improved products they have on the market to help with aging! None of us like that subject for sure!

    • I so agree!! Thanks for stopping by Allyson!

  • I love Ageless Derma’s products! And it never fails to amaze me all they are discovering about what ingredients keep skin looking younger and healthier. Thanks for explaining hat these do, I have heard of all of them, but wasn’t too sure of how they are beneficial!

  • It is truly amazing the things that science can help us discover, like helping us look younger! Wow, what a fun breakthrough. I like when these “age fighting” companies help to share that science of what they found and WHY is helps to combat aging signs. It helps me know they aren’t one of those “snake oil cures all” companies.


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