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Four Reasons Why Your Kids Should Learn to Ski

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Life does not stop once summer ends. During the winter, there are school breaks and holidays just as in the summertime. As a parent, it can be frustrating finding outdoor activities to participate in to keep your child from being glued to the TV.

If the goal is to keep your child(ren) active all year-round, try introducing them to snow sports. Snow sports are perfect options to keep your kids active during the cold winter months on weekends and on their holiday breaks. If you are a parent of an active young child, here are four reasons for your kids to learn skiing.


  1. Increases Body and Self-Awareness

Skiing is an amazing sport with wonderful benefits. The first is that it increases the child’s body and self-awareness. When learning to ski, it is important to be aware of the individual sections of your body. We know kids can be clumsy so skiing can teach kids how to use each body part individually and together. In addition, when kids are learning to ski, they become much more aware of both their physical and mental strengths and weaknesses.


  1. Builds Confidence and Social Skills

Like most sports, skiing brings people of all ages and backgrounds together. Skiing is a place to meet other people that your child may not otherwise have been introduced to. Also, skiing is a sport with “social rules”. Your child can learn the correct way to pass someone on the slopes and to always stop to help someone in need. Lastly, the first time your kid makes it down the hill for the first time without falling will give a tremendous boost of confidence and pride.


  1. Keeps Them Physically Active

Skiing, snowboarding, and ice skating are all excellent ways to get cardiovascular exercises. They are fun so they don’t feel like exercise. Skiing improves their agility, flexibility, and strength while keeping their weight under control. Previously, we knew that skiing improves balance and coordination. What skiing also does is strengthening abs and core muscles as children learn to twist and turn their bodies, plus build lower body muscle, as they remain in the squat position.

  1. Promotes Competition and Perseverance

Skiing takes dedication and perseverance whatever your age. For children, it is never too early to learn that when you fall, you get back up and try again, both figuratively and literally. Learning this lesson early in life will carry over to their education and careers. Skiing can also introduce them to some friendly competition, such as who can make it down the hill first without falling.

Chamonix Ski School is an excellent place for kids to learn skiing. Allowing them to experience the beautiful mountain slopes and to view nature will bring them such awe and wonder. Young children can learn to enjoy the beauty and the sense of being a part of something greater around them. This will help create a sense of appreciation. Yes, learning to ski can be hard in the beginning. But then, it can motivate and inspire them to be adventurous in life.



Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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