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Health & Fitness

Finding the Right Eyeglasses for your Lifestyle

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It is common for professionals to suffer from eye conditions from the prolonged time they spend in front of the computer. Apart from the exposure to light from the screens, several factors can prompt individuals to seek help for their eyesight issues.

On the other hand, it can be tasking to find the ideal eyeglasses to suit your lifestyle. The type of frames matter as those suffering from the conditions want something to complement their lifestyle. Gone are the days when there were limited options on frame types and what a patient can wear. In the modern era, you can choose eyeglasses fitting your lifestyle and complement your facial appearance. There are several factors that you need to consider when buying glasses frames Australia. Having background information on what to look out for will make the shopping experience easier.

Factors to Consider

The suitable eyeglasses should make you feel comfortable wearing them. It should also enhance your facial appearance as much as it helps in vision. Here are factors to consider;

  1.       Facial Shape

Although we are all different and unique, there exist seven types of facial shapes. It is the first thing to consider when finding a suitable frame for the eyeglasses. Whether they are corrective or limiting the eyes from sunlight exposure, knowing the shape of your face is beneficial. It is common for an optician to draw the facial structure to help you decide on the right frame for your face.

Individuals with oval-shaped faces can find different types of frames fitting their structure. The triangular and square face can utilize the round and cat-eye frame designs. A wayfarer frame looks good on most facial shapes. Round frames are ideal for those with a heart-shaped face. You can balance the appearance by selecting heavy frames at the top because the chin is more petite.

  1.       Personality

You can showcase your personality by finding the ideal frames for the eyeglasses to wear. It is essential to choose what you are comfortable with and can wear proudly. Although there are many frames to consider, the industry you are working in can influence your choice. Select a frame that enhances your personality depending on your type of work. However, you need to ensure it is appropriate for work.

On the other hand, you can change the style depending on the occasion. Choose a different type of frame for weekends or when you are undertaking other outdoor activities.

  1.       Frame Color

After determining the shape of your face, it is essential to consider your skin tone to find frames to compliment your looks. You can either choose between warm and cool frame shades depending on the color of your skin. The hair and eyes can also dictate the frame color. Blending it with various facial features will significantly improve your appearance. To further assist in selecting the perfect pair of glasses, Seek Optics offers a lens color guide to help you choose the perfect tint for your needs. It is a stylish way for professionals to select something to complement items in their wardrobe too.

  1.       Your Lifestyle

Every person has their ideal way of living, and it differs from one another. When undertaking sporting activities, you will choose different frames from what a banker would wear. They need to be durable as the industry is demanding. It is the same case if a person is working in an industrial setting. Your everyday engagements will dictate the type of frame to use. It needs to fit around the nose to eliminate the challenges of them falling off. Having to adjust their position all the time is tasking and a nuisance. It is vital to consider the angles of the frames depending on your style.

  1.       Your Needs

Although the world is shifting from the old frames to more fashionable ones, it is critical to remember why you are wearing them. There is a need, and it is essential to select eyeglasses that offer solutions to the problem. It is vital to have an optician conduct an assessment to determine your specific needs. Sometimes the needs will dictate the frame to choose as it may need to hold a lens with a large width.


Finding a suitable frame for your lifestyle and needs should not be a problem anymore. With background knowledge of what to look out for, you are sure to get the right one for you.




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