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NH News

How to Find the Best DNA Testing Kits for 2019

Consumer DNA testing blew up back in 2017. To date, 12 million Americans have sent in their DNA samples to find out more about their heritage. Concerns about DNA testing aside, the results have startled many buyers and DNA testing kits have been hailed as a revolution.

The problem is that with so many companies in the market it can be difficult to determine which is the best DNA testing kit for you. This guide is going to give you a hand.

What Do You Want from Your DNA Test?

Many companies offer different packages with their DNA tests. The most common use for a DNA testing kit is to find out about your heritage and where you come from. You can even find out your pets DNA now, with plenty of dog DNA kit reviews to go through and choose the best!

However, the reason for the positive industry growth forecast of over 14% by 2026 is because these companies are diversifying. You can find family members, discover your heritage, and screen for various genetic health conditions.

Before choosing a company, you should think about what you want to get out of your test.

How Large is the Database?

The key to accuracy with a DNA test is the size of the database. This applies to practically every type of test. Its why DNA tests get so much criticism because they tend not to be accurate when it comes to people of African heritage.

Our DNA has around 20,000 genes, but for trends to be found and conclusions to be revealed your DNA has to be compared against an active database.

The more samples within the database the better. That’s why genetic testing has only become more accurate over time.

Do You Get Ongoing Support?

Due to the fact that genetic testing has become more accurate over time, your results may shift. This is especially important when looking for the best DNA test for health issues.

This is why you should have access to an online dashboard that provides you with regularly updated results as breakthroughs are made and the database grows.

Thankfully, the majority of reputable DNA testing companies offer this.

Are All DNA Tests the Same?

This is a question commonly asked by people who’re looking into DNA Weekly testing kits. The truth is that they’re fundamentally the same. The process never changes.

However, the size of the database the results are compared against changes. The different things your DNA testing company will test for changes. The price is another aspect that changes.

You also must take into account the level of support you get from the company in question. That’s why you shouldn’t just choose the first DNA test you come across.

Last Word – Beware of the Results

It’s easy to think that a DNA testing kit involves spitting into a vial and discovering you’re probably a Viking. The reality is that the results you get can be life changing.

You need to be aware of the potential emotional baggage that comes from finding out secrets about your family and your heritage.


Do you know anyone who’s taken a consumer DNA test?



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