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NH News

When Family Matters Get out of Hand: 5 Types of Domestic Abuse

A fight and bad feelings between two individuals might seem like normal bumps in the road in a relationship.  Unfortunately, these arguments and bad feelings could be signs of domestic violence.  Domestic violence isn’t just about seeing bruises on a family member.  It could include former spouses, roommates, adult children, former romantic partners, people who have a child or children I common, former romantic partners, and household members or former household members.  Knowing the types of domestic violence and the signs to look for could make a big difference in a person’s life.  The most recent statistics from the New Jersey courts illustrate the various types of domestic violence charged in the state.


Stalking is one of many types of domestic violence a person can be criminally charged with.  Stalking is a social problem and is complex to defend against.  A stalker’s behavior is usually unpredictable and obsessive.  A victim could be at risk of death or serious bodily injury.  Besides physical injury, they could suffer psychological trauma from the stalking.

Even if an individual isn’t charged with stalking, they could charge them with simple assault, terroristic threats, criminal coercion, criminal mischief, tampering with witnesses, or harassment.  These charges are very serious and could result in jail time and high fines.  Locating an aggressive lawyer by visiting MVPLawOffice.com, is very important to win a case.


The police could charge an individual with assault when one person injures or attempts to injure another individual without legal justification.  A person could be charged with simple assault or aggravated assault depending on the situation.  If a defendant used an object to cause an injury or a weapon to hurt another individual, the police will charge them with aggravated assault.  If a person negligently injures someone else by using a deadly weapon, the criminal charges could be simple assault.  Sorting through the facts and evidence of the case can get confusing with the appropriate legal knowledge.

Harassment Via The Internet

Harassment doesn’t have to be in person for criminal charges to be applied.  Harassment via the internet is punishable by the criminal justice system.  If a defendant uses the internet threatens to inflict injury or physical harm to any person or the property of a person via the internet, the police could charge them criminally.  If the defendant threatens to commit any crime against the person or the person’s property is another way an individual could be criminally charged.

Sexual Assault

Sexual assault can occur between partners, children, or other individuals protected under the domestic violence law.  These charges are very serious and could cause an individual being required to register as a sex offender for the rest of their life.

Violation Of A Protection Order

Violating a protection order is another criminal offense, the police can charge an individual with under the domestic violence law.  Violation of an order is serious and could cause an individual to lose a job, visitation with their children, removal from the home they’re living in, and many other consequences.  By visiting MVPLawOffice.com, an accused individual can learn more about an aggressive criminal attorney.   According to The Press of Atlantic City, more than 80% of the domestic violence cases are dismissed.


Defending against these charges is very important and require an aggressive criminal defense attorney.   A criminal record for domestic violence is very serious and can affect the amount of time an individual is permitted to see their children, a job, and even determine where they are permitted to be when a protection order is in place.





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