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Home & Garden

Early Alert Smoke Alarm Signal Extender Kits, extend coverage in homes of any size #EarlyAlert

Disclosure: Howdy everyone, I just wanted to inform you that I was not compensated for this post. However, I did receive a product from the company below and the opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines.


Keeping our family safe is a top priority especially during a fire. I can’t even count on hand how many times our family has practiced a fire drills in our home. My parents have always said it’s better to be prepared than not too.

So, when I saw that American Home Safety Products had an Early Alert Smoke Alarm Signal Extender – 3-Bedroom Kit   it piqued my interest especially with a home full of kids.

Now we know there are many smoke detectors on the market and we know they do help to save lives every year according to statistics, however, it is also known that they may not awake a child when the alarms go off even with a high pitch tone.

Well, now you can add the Early Alert Smoke Alarm Signal Extender to help alert your children. Early Alert serves as a range extender for all of your smoke alarms. The easy to use system is a quick setup process, just plug the Easy Alert sound sensors into outlets throughout your home, add your Window Beacon to the selected window, and if a smoke detector goes off, you’ll be alerted in your bedroom through the receiver speaker.

Inside your Early Alert Smoke Alarm Signal Extender box you will receive these items:

  1. Receiver Speaker: Will instantly broadcast audio alarms closer to bedrooms, even behind closed door for faster escape from fire.
  2. Sound Sensors: These sensors will send a signal to Receiver Speaker
  3. Pathway Light: Emits a flashing light to assist in directional escape for family members in the even of a house fire.
  4. Window Beacon
  5. And of course the Quick Start Guide

The Early Alert Smoke Alarm Signal Extender kits are available for 1bedroom to 4 bedroom kits.

Now one thing about this system that every parent will love is you can record a personal warning, urging them(child/children) to wake up. Let’s say you have a fire in another area of the home and the children can’t hear the smoke alarm, mom can record a certain message for the child/children like WAKE UP GUYS, it’s a FIRE…..GET OUT THE HOUSE NOW! That message would come right from the Early Alert Receiver Speaker that’s plugged into your child’s bedroom outlet.

I will go on record to say I really love the” Window Beacon”, you see the Window Beacons are light up markers you can attach to any bedroom window.

The Window Beacon Lights up when triggered to help rescue your loved ones who are incapable of escaping on his or her own like Children, Pets, and those loved ones who may be handicap. Keep in mind that the Window Beacon remains invisible all other times to protect your privacy and only glows and signals only when there is a house fire!

Let’s say a fire starts in a hallway and alongside that hallway is where your baby’s nursery is, attaching that beacon to his or her bedroom window will help to alert the fire department or police there may be someone in that room who may need rescuing!

So, you see this Early Alert kit should be implemented in everyone’s home, senior facilities, apartments, even my daughter’s college dorm, etc.

Remember, smoke detectors should be installed in every home no matter what….the Early Alert kit is just a simple, elegant solution to extending the reach of your existing smoke detectors and is the only one that I know of that adds the benefit of voice alerts for young children.


You can visit the Early Alert website to see the prices and select the kit for your home!



Disclosure: Howdy everyone, I just wanted to inform you that I was not compensated for this post. However, I did receive a product from the company below and the opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines.







Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

11 thoughts on “Early Alert Smoke Alarm Signal Extender Kits, extend coverage in homes of any size #EarlyAlert

  • Grateful tips to learn from. These are important I’d want one in every room. The worst case scenario would be a house fire and it’s devastating to loose everything.

  • I do like that they have different units sizes for how many bedrooms you have. I had not seen it before. Window Beacon is great to have in the windows that are occupied rooms for the fire dept or police to see go off .

  • This would be a great thing to have, especially if you live in an area that has wildfires. Can never be too safe.

  • Sounds great! I like the Pathway Light feature.

  • This is a great kit. I’ve never heard of a smoke alarm system that works like this. I’ll definitely be looking into a system like this. Thank you for sharing.

  • This would be one amazing addition to our new condo. I love the fact I would actually feel safe.

  • Looks like a high quality product.

  • We can use this! It would make me feel safer.

  • We really need one of these. Our signal to the bedroom is not strong.

  • Looking good love to have this

  • I was telling the Mrs. this would be a perfect addition to our house when it’s built! The extra-added security will give me peace of mind!


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