Does Having Alcoholic Parents Put You at Risk of Becoming an Alcoholic Yourself?
If you have an alcoholic or recovering alcoholic parent or parents or a close relative of an alcoholic, you may be wondering about your risk of becoming an alcoholic too. While alcoholism isn’t passed on genetically, there are some indications that there are differences in genes and chemistry that can make someone more likely to develop this problem, in addition to life choices and events that can also trigger alcoholism and other addictive behaviors or substances. Alcoholism plagues millions of Americans, and people who were raised by alcoholics are four times more likely to become an alcoholic than those who were not. Keep reading to learn more about how you can take control of your life outcomes and reduce your likelihood of becoming an alcoholic.
What is Alcoholism?
Alcoholism is a disease that is characterized by the strong and almost irresistible craving for alcohol, an inability to control the amount of alcohol that is consumed, a physical alcohol dependence where withdrawal symptoms are present when not drinking, and tolerance that leads to a need for larger amounts of alcohol to achieve the desired results. If you’ve already ticked off these boxes, consider enrolling in 90 day alcohol treatment centers to get your life back on track. Luckily, many people have close relatives who suffer from alcoholism and do not develop drinking problems. Having alcoholic parents does not guarantee that you will become an alcoholic. There are some precautions you can take to reduce your risk further.
Avoid Underage Drinking
Drinking before you are the legal drinking age comes with a lot of avoidable and unpleasant circumstances. The biggest issue with underage drinking is that it’s illegal. Another issue is that it adversely affects the biology of a body that’s still developing. Those who start drinking at an early age are far more likely to become alcohol-dependent when they mature. When you couple underage drinking with environmental and genetic factors, alcoholism is often an unwanted consequence.
Drink Moderately as an Adult
Those who are of the legal drinking age should consume alcohol responsibly and in moderation. This should apply to any adult alcohol drinker to have the least negative impact on health outcomes like developing certain types of cancer, liver disease, and heart disease. Moderate drinking is considered to be no more than one drink per day for women and no more than two drinks a day for men. If you’ve got a family history of alcoholism you may want to consider totally abstaining from drinking alcoholic beverages.
Talk to a Healthcare Provider
Whether you’re already seeking treatment for your alcohol dependence or still concerned about your odds, your healthcare provider can be a wonderful resource. They can give you options for treatment and support groups, or assure you that you’re on the right path. Likewise, you can consult with a licensed mental health professional to help you deal with any traumas, unhealthy learned behaviors, and other mental health concerns that may play a larger role in your addiction outcomes.
There are plenty of resources available to alcoholics and those who love them, so take advantage of them. The good news is that you’re in charge of your life, and you have a say in your life. You’re not destined to be an alcoholic if your parents or another close relative struggled with alcohol.