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Direct Burial Procedures Explained

There are two types of direct funeral arrangements possible to book in the UK today, direct cremations and direct burials. They are both very similar in scope although, obviously, the way the body of the deceased will end up being handled will be different. Firstly, it is important to know that direct burials are – on average – a bit more costly than direct cremations. However, direct burial arrangements come in at substantially under the average cost of a typical funeral service in the UK which is reaching almost £5,000 in some parts of the country. Therefore, a direct burial is the lowest-cost option for interments. However, the procedures that govern what is – and what isn’t – allowed should be fully understood before obtaining one.

To begin with, direct burials can be procured following the death of a loved one or by yourself for your own funeral. For example, if you would like to specify that you will be given a direct burial when you pass on, then there is nothing to stop you from taking out a pre-payment plan that covers all of the costs upfront. According to Newrest Funerals, funeral care experts who offer these sorts of plans throughout the UK, people like to pay in advance because they can split the costs up. It allows them to rest assured that their loved ones won’t face any financial hardship as a result of their death.

Regardless of whether you need to procure a direct burial for someone you have lost or are simply complying with the wishes of a deceased relative’s funeral plan, there are certain things to bear in mind. One of the most important is that the vast majority of direct burials take place in local authority cemeteries. If you would prefer to be buried in a church graveyard or even on private land, then a direct burial is not for you. That said, people of all faiths can be buried this way. However, there usually are no mourners who are allowed to attend the interment itself. As such, it can be that the direct burial doesn’t feel like a funeral, at least a traditional one, for many of the people who are left behind.

Another important thing to know about direct burials is that there is no service. Typically, funerals have someone to oversee a service which will include prayers, readings and even music. However, none of this happens with a direct burial. Indeed, there is no graveside committal or similar outdoor service that is permitted, either. Mourners will be expected not to send flowers and refrain from turning up. However, a small grave marker is often allowed, somewhere you can come to lay flowers or pay a tribute at a later date, if you wish.

The fees you pay for a direct burial will cover the cost of digging the grave as well as the funeral director’s’ charges. Although these are kept to a minimum, there are costs to cover for conveying the body and for lowering it into the grave. Another cost to consider is the coffin. Usually, plain plywood or simple cardboard is preferred since these are inexpensive options.


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