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Digital Dilemmas – 5 Tips For Students Struggling with Online Study

Picture: Christin Hume/Unsplash 

Online study has become commonplace throughout the world. Some schools are operating purely digitally for the foreseeable future, while others are supplementing their daily classes with online learning opportunities and study platforms. 

Online learning has many benefits, but it can also present a few problems for some learners. Students struggling with online study may like to consider the following tips:   

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Ask for Help

In a regular school environment, you can raise your hand when you have a question. Some students may struggle with not being able to do that in a digital classroom environment. If you feel like you’re not reaching your educational goals, online tutoring may be a worthwhile consideration. 

Though such tutoring is also in an online capacity, it’s a different learning environment. You can enjoy a more personalized approach while also feeling comfortable asking for help when you need it. Tutoring lets you focus on your weakest subjects, allowing you to catch up with the rest of your classmates. 

Create a Schedule

Online learning requires you to be a self-starter with planning skills. All your daily classes will take place at a particular time of the day, but you have to rely on yourself to study and do homework in your own time. 

If you’re struggling with motivation and productivity, set time aside to create a schedule. Outline what you need to achieve in a day, the order in which you’ll do it, and the time you need to set aside for each task. This small amount of planning can ensure you remain on track and on top of your studies. 

Remove Distractions

When you work in a classroom, everyone is doing the same thing as you. There may be a small amount of chatter, but most people are focused on the task at hand. 

A home environment presents several challenges when you’re trying to achieve the same amount of work. Electronic devices, family members, friends, entertainment, and chores can all get in the way of achieving the results you desire. 

If you find it hard to concentrate, align your most important subjects with when your home has the fewest distractions. For example, you might achieve the bulk of your work while your family is at work or out running errands.   

Establish a Dedicated Workspace

As tempting as it can be to sit in a warm bed in your pajamas doing your schoolwork, it may not put you in study mode. If you have been struggling with online study, consider whether your work environment is to blame. 

You may see the value in setting up a dedicated workspace that’s distraction-free and has everything you need for productivity. This might be a spare bedroom in your home, a corner of your bedroom with a desk, or even a dedicated study if your home has one. 

Know Your Productive Windows

Aside from online classes, which require your attendance at set times, you tend to have a small amount of freedom regarding when you study. If you know you are more productive at specific times of the day, do your most essential or intensive tasks during those windows. 

Learning when you are the most productive can take some time to figure out, but eventually, you can get into a routine that works for you. 

Many students thrive in an online learning environment, but not everyone does. If you have been struggling with motivation, productivity, and a new way of learning, the tips above should make a difference.





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