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Deflect-O Organizers, making my life so much easier!

I was not compensated for this post but I did receive free samples from Shoplet.com for review, however all opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own.

Welcome to Shoplet.com the place where you will find discounted office supplies for your home or office. They carry a wide selection from Office furniture, Office Supplies, Green Products, Technology, Ink and so much more. Plus, if your purchase is over $45 and up, they ship fast and free.

When I was given the opportunity to try a few of the Deflect-0 products I was excited. The Deflect -O brand has some great organizing cubes that can help keep you well organized.


                           I received four of these cool cubes,

  Deflect-o Two Drawer Cube Organizer


 Deflect-o Desk Cube with X Divider


  Deflect-o Desk Cube,

all which I needed so badly.  My poor desk and storage bin was, well lets say it was a total mess. Even though I tried my hardest to try and keep it under control with the little storage bins it just wasn’t working.

I was just so surprised at all the junk that I had accumulated in my little bins, even my daughter was shocked. Just look at all the stuff on my table. Yes it was a mess!


All of those poor items were in those polka dot bins you see to your left but not anymore since Shoplet.com shared their nice organizing cubes with me. Its on now, I have reorganized my stuff and I am very pleased with the cubes just look for yourself.


Compared to all the other cubes and bins I have used before I like these the best. They are sturdy and well constructed, have a divider that allows you to place items within that can be accessed easily but most of all I am able to see what is in each Deflect-0 cube…no more fumbling through with my hands trying to find my note pad,  pens or my cords. As stated everything is accessible right there and very well organized. Having the drawers and dividers are a big help, the texture of the Deflect-o is that of plastic. All the Deflect-o cubes are great, they really help make a difference on my desk and now I consider myself well organized with them. I  have the ability to change them around if I wish with ease and they hold my items safely and out of the way until needed.

I have neatly stacked them together on the side of my desk….look


Now its your turn to visit Shoplet.com and find the right products to help you become more organized.

You can connect with them on all their social networking sites too:








I was not compensated for this post but I did receive free samples from Shoplet.com for review, however all opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

10 thoughts on “Deflect-O Organizers, making my life so much easier!

  • I could definitely use a few of these around the house!

  • It’s so cute – what an awesome idea!

  • Oh I need some of these for MY home office. Right now it’s an unorganized mess, and leaving me frazzled when I’m trying to locate something.

  • I need those for my blogging area. It is on the kitchen table and a big mess. They’d also help with homeschool stuff. Thanks for sharing!

  • Keep my office organized is one of my biggest struggles! I need to get a better system to keep everything in its place

  • I just got these, and I can’t wait to put them to use! I am having a hard time deciding if I want to let the husband have them to straighten up his office desk, or if I want them for the craft room! lol.


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